Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi


1. When Aisha was almost four months old, we took her to the training grounds for the first time – just to play with older puppies and to get used to them. 2. When Aisha completed four months, we started slowly with the training. The first individual lectures were devoted to the correct walking with the lash, calling the dog etc. We had to get rid of some mistakes.
3. During the fifth month of her age Aisha started to train in the small group of pupies of the same age. 4. We trained regularly not only at the training grounds, but also at home. Our small grandson liked to take part in the training and he was quite successful.
5. At the nursery school for dogs the puppies learned more and more. Getting used to big dogs, motorcycles etc. was the regular part of their training. Aisha was doing very well and at the end of the summer holiday she started her training with the group of older puppies. 6. Since the beginning of the school year 2013, Aisha has been attending the "primary school" - a group of the older puppies. Training takes place not only at the training grounds, but often at other locations. This offers the puppies the opportunity of longer walking in groups, walking down the road and exercise in an unfamiliar environment.

Puppies still have a lot of space to play, but already it is not exclusively about "edutainment" and some important exercises have to be done precisely. While the game to chase each other is very popular and easy for all puppies, lying in the group seems to be sometimes quite demanding discipline for the lively adolescents. The year 2013 closed at the training grounds a friendly Christmas Party, where the puppies could meet the dogs belonging to other groups (including the adult ones). They also could compare their skills and abilities with them. At the beginning of 2014, Alex, the brother of Aisha, has started to attend the group of the older puppies.

At the training grounds, we occasionally meet Alex, the brother of Aisha. Since September, Aisha has been visiting the advanced group of dogs together with Barnie and she has begun to prepare for exams.

ZOP exam, KK Lety, 11.4.2015

In spring 2015, smaller group of dogs preparing for exams was established. In addition to regular training began Aisha also attend this group. On the 11th April 2015 she passed the first exam (basic obedience ZOP exam) with excellent results (she has got 99 points out of the possible 100).

BH exam, KK lety, 29.10.2016

In recent years, we have devoted more time to treibball than to obedience, and thus we needed more time to prepare for the next exam. At the end of October 2016, Aisha successfully passed (along with her mother Barnie) at KK Lety the BH exam.
Foto: Alena Vanžurová, KK Lety.

ZZO1 exam, KK Lety, 27.10.2018

Since the BH exam, a lot of water has passed in the Berounka river because of two reasons: our main priority was treibball, and we were not sure, what to do after passing the BH exam. Originally, we wanted to continue with the UPr exams, but the 1 m barrier seemed to be too high for our small Entlebuch females. Finally, we chose ZZO1 exams. At the end of October, Aisha passed the ZZO1 exam with a good evaluation and she gained 82 points. The points loss was mostly caused by a mistress, who, unlike Aisha, passed her first classical cynology exam, and her nervousness and inexperience were visible. However, because of the first attempt, we consider the good result to be really good.
Photos: Karel Ráž, KK Lety.

© Stoklasovi, 2012