Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball competition - Memorial of Gusta, Brno, 16.1.2016

We participated in the treibball competition in Brno on 16th January 2016. The competitions was held in a horse hall and it was named The Memorial of Gusta - in memory of the corgi named Gusta, who was among the first dogs, that started with treibball in our country. She was expected to arrive to Brno, however, she has died a couple of days before the competition. The competition brought together 33 teams from three countries. They competed in the main competition in categories FUN, TRB 1, TRB 2 and TRB 3 and in three treibball games. With regard to Aisha's pregnancy, we reduced her trainings before the ompetition, but she was quite successful - in the main race category TRB 2 Large she was the fourth and in the colours play even the third. Barnie has been more successful - in the main competition, in category TRB 2, she was the second and she won the colours game. The Entles dominated in the TRB 2 Large category. They occupied the first to the fourth places. The organization of the competition was excellent and beautiful trophys were prepared for the winners. We are glad that Aisha and Barnie were not surprised by the sandy surface that they encountered for the first time, and that they have won several of these nice trophys.

© Stoklasovi, 2012