Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

The Czech Treibball Championship, Pesopark, 30.9.2018

The Czech Treibball Championship 2018 took place on the 30th September in Pesopark, Uhříněves. We were the main organizers and I was the judge, so Milan raced with both our females Barnie and Aisha.

Out of the 43 applied teams, 38 of them took part in the start. In addition to the Czech teams, 4 German teams participated in the races. The strongest competition was in the highest TRB 3 L class, which hosted 8 excellent teams including the Champion and both Vice Champions of the Czech Republic from 2017, the Champion of Germany from 2017 and the teams that took the first three places in the World Treibball League 2017-2018.

Many different breeds and crossbreeds, including very small ones, took part at the races.

The new Czech rules had their premiere at the Championship. According to these new rules, our races (as well as most foreign ones) consist now of two runs. After two runs called FAST and SMART, the treibball game called "Obstacles and Skittles" was included.

The results of the races are summarized in the table. In the case of foreign participants, the ranking was evaluated and awarded, but the titles of the Champion and 1st and 2nd Vice Champions of the Czech Republic could only be awarded to the domestic participants. In all classes it was possible to see excellent and balanced performances. The races were thrilling because there were no favorites here, everyone could win. Barnie and Aisha won the titles of the Champion and the 1st Vice Champion of the Czech Republic in the highest TRB 3 L class, which made us very happy. In absolute order, they were only defeated by the Master of Germany.

Many thanks for the successful and smooth running of the races to everyone who helped us before the races and then during the all day at the races. The races took place under the auspices of the Czech Treibball club and with the financial support of the club, which made it possible to buy beautiful trophies for the winners. They were greatly appreciated. Nice prizes for the Czech Treibball Championship were provided by sponsors AKINU, FALCO, Obojky.cz, Manahu and MAPES, whom we also thank very much. Thanks to Jaroslav Chlumská for the opportunity to organize races in the beautiful surroundings of Pesopark. Last, but not least, st. Peter deserves thanks for sending us the ideal weather for the treibball races.

Photos: Klára Cimburová, Lucie Vybíralová, Bohdana Stoklasová, Marcela Kučerová Skalová
© Stoklasovi, 2012