The name of our breeding kennel is derived from its location at a house with a large garden directly neighbouring a forest.
The large garden area provides our females with enough opportunities for exercise – they do a lot of running when guarding her territory. Groups of bushes have so many things to discover,
and the females have found numerous hiding places at their strategically important spots where they wait for intruders. The garden is an ideal place also for the first steps outside and
exploring trips of small puppies. There is also enough space for various sport activities.
Why Exactly the Entlebucher Cattle Dog
Our choice of the Entlebucher Cattle Dog was partially determined by our first dog and the circumstances under which we lost him, a careful study of dog-breed characteristics in our search for a new four-legged friend and also some chance.
Our first dog was Hovawart Dany (Daniel Adamův hrádek):
We had spent eight years with him when we were suddenly deprived of him by a disease that we had never heard of before – cryptococcosis. It was very hard for us to come to terms with the
unexpected loss. First we thought that we would never get another dog again, but the garden and the house were strangely quiet, empty and depressing without a four-legged friend. We also
were sad, and so we began to consider bringing a new dog into our home.
These were the characteristics that we wanted to avoid in our next dog; we liked the other traits of the Hovawart. Our idea was a dog of similar behavioural traits to the Hovawart, but
smaller, slightly less independent and with shorter hair, which we gradually made into a list of the main characteristics of our future dog:
- medium size
- short hair (‘maintenance-free’, not requiring bathing or brushing)
- innate ability to guard
- absence of hunting tendencies
- strong attachment to the house and family – he/she does not run away
- low aggressiveness, good interaction with other dogs and with children
- good prerequisites for training
Soon after the family council agreed on the above-listed characteristics, one of our daughters browsed the internet and sent us a description and a picture of a breed that were the closest to our parameters. It was evident that this breed is rather rare in the Czech Republic and that one cannot meet it normally and become acquainted with it. And here we were already assisted by chance, thanks to which we met the breeders of the Entlebuchers. As they had immediately two dogs, we were able to see an adult dog and a young female at the same time. They both absolutely won us over. At first, we were a little surprised by their agility, the unexpected strength considering their relatively small stature as well as their noise while playing – mainly the guttural sound resembling growling emitted by the Entlebucher when playing. By the time we were leaving, we had decided. And we decided well. The Entlebucher truly meets all of the characteristics listed above and still adds a specific ‘Entlebucher’ bonus – he unconditionally loves his master and does everything to please him. He is good-natured and spreads good humour and happiness around.