ICh. BARNIE Sweape | ICh. AISHA z Lesní zahrady |
How Time Goes By ...
On this page you can follow the stories of both Aisha and Barnie since winter 2013-14.
Their older history depict individual pages of
Aisha and
Summer 2022
During the summer, the children's holiday stays in our house alternated with our trips to treibball races.
We had planned a longer trip abroad for a treibball race in the Netherlands, which we wanted to combine with
a holiday at the sea, but the participation of our Dutch distance competition rivals, who we wanted to meet
live, was uncertain, and finally the competition ended up being cancelled due to the heat, so we only raced
at home, although sometimes in distant destinations.
At the end of June, two-day DUO Treibball races took place in Vícenice in Moravia. The Vysočina cup race took
place on the first day. Both Barnie and Aisha performed perfectly in both runs, winning their TRB 2 L and
TRB 3 L classes. The Memorial of Gusta was on the agenda the next day. Barnie performed beautifully in the
FAST run, but she made a few mistakes in the SMART run and she finished the third. Aisha was fast and accurate
in both runs and she deservedly won. The other two first places at DUO TREIBBALL were won by Pavel with Šon
and Jirka with Pretty, so the small group from Pesopark was very successful.
It was warm at the turn of June and July, so Barnie and Aisha enjoyed swimming in the Sázava river and
basking in the sun. At the beginning of the holidays, all the grandchildren came to our house, and we went
on various trips together. During them, the dogs took advantage of the opportunity to run around and bathe,
and they mainly watched the kids to see if they drop some goodies.
At the beginning of August, the Treibball European Cup was held in the Tachyon Arena. These were bigger
international races, so we diligently prepared for them. One training session also took place at our Forest
Garden and we combined it with a pleasant grill party. 35 teams from 3 countries took part in the Treibball
European Cup (in addition to the Czech teams, there were also teams from Germany and Hungary). On the first
day, individuals competed. The competition was strong and a flawless performance in both rounds was necessary
for the medal positions. In the individual competition, Barnie (Level III) performed perfectly in both runs
and she won convincingly. Aisha (Level IV) made a mistake in the first run, and even though she was the best
in the second run, she could not make up the time lost in the strong competition, and she had to settle for
a “potato” medal on the 4th place. We were pleased with the wonderful placement of other teams from Pesopark
in the lower classes.
The team competition, which took place on the second day, was very exciting until the last moment. In the
end, Aisha and Pretty won over the German-Hungarian team. The third place was won by Barnie and Šon.
In August, we had both small and big grandchildren in our house, so Barnie and Aisha enjoyed playing with
them and cuddling. We also took Eliška to the dog training grounds during her stay, which she really enjoyed.
Longer periods of heat alternated with rainy days, so raincoats and rainboots were also needed. Milan, Jacob
and Eliška filmed videos for the TREIBBALL OPEN competition, and they all placed very well.
This year's Entlebuch Cattle Dogs gathering has been held at the beginning of September in Kácov, just an
hour's drive from us. We lived in a small cabin and the temperature dropped to 6 degrees of Celsius in the
morning, but it was not cold in the warm sleeping bag. The sun came out during the day and after that the
weather was quite pleasant. After Friday's introductory evening with competitions, Saturday was also
dedicated to various competitions, both individual and team ones. We enjoyed a lot of fun, and we were even
quite successful in some of them. On Sunday, we all went for a walk to the Sázava river. It was shallow,
so it wasn't good for swimming, but getting wet and frolicking in the water was a nice for the dogs.
On the second September weekend, we went to Bystřice near Třinec for the Czech Treibball Championship.
The event was two days long. On the first day the race was held and and the second day was devoted to the
rehearsals. Milan raced with Aisha in the highest TRB 3 L class and they won the championship. Milan thus
defended the title of Champion of the Czech Republic from 2021 with Aisha, and after Barnie's three
championship titles from 2018-20, it was already his fifth championship trophy in a row. With Barnie, Milan
did not do well at all in the TRB 2 L class this year. They placed second in the FAST run, but in the SMART
run, Milan followed up Barnie's mistake with his navigation mistake, so this time they did not reach the
medal position in the sum of both runs. The teams that train with us in Pesopark made us happy. In the
TRB 1 class, Pavla and Šon won, Jirka and Pretty won the "potato" medal. Since the races were held far away,
the team from Pesopark, although reinforced in its Pesopark uniform dress by the team that trains with Pavla,
this time was small in numbers, but very successful.
The next day both girls passed completed exams with excellent evaluation, Aisha in TRB 3 class and Barnie
in TRB 2 class.
After the races and rehearsals, we took advantage of the pleasant accommodation and great food in Bystřice
and we stayed until the next day. We met Adar from our litter A, who lives nearby. Due to the distance,
we only saw Adar as a puppy and he has grown up a lot since then, he really is a very big male. We were
pleased that even in his veteran age,
is still a beautiful, and above all, a healthy dog. The following
day we went to the Leaning Church and its surroundings to the places described in the book of the same name
and to Dolní Vítkovice.
Photo: Bohdana and Milan Stoklasovi, Pavel Hejč, Renata Petříková, Martin Košťál, Simona Tomsová
Videa: Bohdana and Milan Stoklasovi
Spring 2022
During their spring stay in our house, Kuba and Eliška dismantled the doghouses. Aisha and Bára have not
been using them for many years (they became domestic dogs). When the children were small, they liked to
play in them, but even this function of theirs has already passed and they took up unnecessary space on
the terrace.
The whole family gathered in our house for Easter. In addition to the Easter decorations and all the customs
associated with these holidays, we prepared our first spring sausages on fire, and Aisha and Barnie always
get them, even when otherwise they get sausages only on rare occasions.
Milan and Kuba with Eliška trained and filmed with the dogs the Treibball Open competition task called
the Easter Bunny and they all placed in medal positions. Milan and Aisha finished in the HIGH category
according to both time and votes in second place, and with Barnie in third place. Kuba with Barnie and
Eliška with Aisha competed in the START category, and since this time there were few children for the opening
of the special Young Handler category, they competed together with adults. Kuba and Bára placed third by
time and second by votes, and Eliška and Aisha placed third by votes.
Results of The Task 7
Spring was beautifully green with lots of meadow flowers.
At the end of April, based on the invitation of the Dog Academy Beroun, we prepared a demonstration and an
introductory lesson of treibball in the cynology hall in Beroun, and since May we have started teaching
treibball also there in addition to Pesopark.
In mid-May, we organized the seventh treibball race in Pesopark. Unlike the recent one, there was no threat
of cancellation either due to covid or bad weather, so the preparations went smoothly, with the only exception
of the construction of the field before the races. After a long period of drought and heat, nothing could
be stuck into the dry clay, and all the holes for the screens had to be drilled by hand, which was not easy
at all in the heat. The race went smoothly, it was just a little warmer than we would have wished for our
furry friends. Out of the 38 teams registered, 33 teams took part in the competition - 29 Czech and 4 German.
In the Small category there are traditionally few dogs in the races, but in the Large category there was
great competition from excellent teams in all classes and any of them could win, so the race was exciting.
The composition of breeds was very varied.
Barnie won the TRB 2 L class and Aisha won the top TRB 3 L class. Barnie showed a balanced performance in
both runs and at the age of twelve she won against much bigger, younger, and of course faster dogs, who made
more mistakes. Aisha made a mistake in the SMART run, but she managed to correct it and she deservedly won.
Not only Barnie and Aisha made us happy, but also the teams that train with us in Pesopark and added three
more first and two second places.
Results of the race
There were several very warm days in the second half of May, so Aisha and Barnie always welcomed a bath in
the Sázava river after shopping in Davle.
In May, the Swiss mountain dog club exhibition was held in Zárybničná Lhota. Aisha needed to complete the
last V1 rating in the veteran class to obtain the title Czech Veteran Champion, and she succeeded at the
club show. Both our females are Czech Champions, Interchampions and now also Czech Veteran Champions.
We value the last title the most, because this title does not only depend on the innate beauty of the dog,
but also on the care of the breeder. We also applied the twelve-year-old Barnie in the honor class for the
exhibition, so that she would not feel bad to stay aside. The judge was delighted with her condition and
temperament, even at her old age she received the excellent rating and the beautiful
review .
In June, we helped Pavla, who trains treibball with us in Pesopark, and teaches it also herself, at her race
for beginners in Klecany. I acted as a judge, and we also prepared a demonstration of treibball with our
advanced dogs. The race was very nice and perfectly prepared, and we met several new treibball hopefuls there.
In June, we gathered with the whole family in the Giant Mountains. The weather was sunny, but too hot.
The temperature in the mountains was a few degrees lower than here, but everyone felt best in the water.
Photo: Anna Bradáčová, Bohdana a Milan Stoklasovi
Video: Bohdana a Milan Stoklasovi
Winter 2021/22
In winter, short seasons with a bit of snow alternated with longer seasons completely without snow.
Before Christmas, the TREIBBALL OPEN team competition for the 2021 period was evaluated. Aisha won
the HIGH category and Barnie placed second just behind her. For their victory, Aisha and Barnie
received beautiful trophies and they celebrated the victory with big bones. In the competition,
Pavla and Šon, who train with us in Pesopark, placed the third in the MEDIUM category.
The results of the 2021 TREIBBALL OPEN team competition
For Christmas, Aisha and Barnie got their own gifts and they checked carefully also the gifts of the others.
During the Christmas holidays, the whole family always meets in our house, so there are plenty of hands for
cuddling. The children often do not make sure that the food does not fall to the ground, so the girls watch
them carefully.
During the winter months, children come less often to our house. I rather come to watch them
or accompany them to various activities in Prague. But several times they appeared here to the great joy of our dogs.
Both distance and indoor hall races extended the treibball racing season by the winter.
Race 2 TREIBBALL OPEN took place in January and February. In addition to Milan,
Jacob and Eliška also competed with both girls. Milan and Aisha won the top class 3 L
and with Barnie he placed second in the class 3 L. Eliška and Aisha won in the 1 L class
in the young handler category and Jacob and Barnie placed the second in the same category.
The results of the Race 2 TREIBBALL OPEN
In February, the race called the Icy Treibball took place in the beautiful Tachyon Sport Arena.
Aisha won the race in the TRB 3 L class and Barnie won it in the TRB 2 L class. Other teams that
train with us in Pesopark also showed beautiful performances. They took all the first places and
one second place in the race classes and two second places in the beginners, so it is no wonder
that the Pesopark team looks very happy in the joint photo.
The results of the Icy Treibball Racea
In January Aisha and our litter A celebrated their 9th birthday, in February our litter B
celebrated its 6th birthday and in March Barnie celebrated her 12th birthday.
After a long break covid break, this year we could go for skiing to Sölden, Austria.
Not only the dogs, but also our older grandchildren accompanied us. We chose accommodation
in a location that was close to the slopes and cabin, and that also offered opportunities
for dogs to walk. We spent a wonderful week together there, with ideal weather and snow.
Aisha and Barnie had their morning and evening walks every day and between them they waited
patiently until we returned from skiing. They were also very disciplined on trips and in the restaurants.
Autumn 2021
In September, we diligently prepared for the upcoming treibball races not only at home, but also in Pesopark.
The children have already had school and other duties in Prague, so they only came to our house occasionally
for the weekends. Eliška and Terka celebrated their birthdays and Barnie and Aisha had to check all their
presents carefully. We met Alex from our litter A at the training grounds. After mom Barnie and her two children
Aisha and Alex (now all veterans, but still with a lot of energy) ran and played together, they quite willingly
posed in front of the camera.
We had a beautiful Indian summer in October. Some days there was still weather for a swimsuit. The nights were
already cold, and the water became too cold for swimming, so it was time to prepare the swimming pool for winter.
In the TREIBBALL OPEN, Aisha and Barnie participated in the HIGH category in the Task 6: The Clef. In a strong
competition of the best dogs from three different countries, Aisha ran the second fastest time, and she got the
third place for performance by voting of the participants. Barnie didn't make it to the medal this time, but
it is great that she is still able to compete in the HIGH category at the age of 11,5 years, although she
is not that fast and her performance is not that impressive as that of younger dogs.
In the luxurious Tachyon Sport Arena, we tried out the hall race with a Halloween theme. The race was very well
prepared, and we had a lot of fun with hats and pumpkins. Aisha placed the first in the class 3 and Barnie placed
the third in the class 2. In December, another challenge in the form of Task 6: Christmas Tree followed in TREIBBALL
OPEN. Aisha and Barnie competed in the HIGH category. Aisha had the fastest time, and she also won the evaluation
of participants. Barnie placed the third by time and the second by votes of participants.
Snow began to fall in December. At first timidly, but gradually the balls were covered with snow and the Forest Garden became beautifully white.
Summer 2021
In the summer, Barnie and Aisha bathed in the nearby Sázava river. Sometimes they swam in the river with ducks.
During the holidays, our children often visited our house for a long time, so Barnie and Aisha had a welcome addition
to their program. And because they know very well that children often drop some food on the ground, they watched them
Eliška and Jacob tried their first treibball race. It was the international distance race held under the umbrella
of TREIBBALL OPEN. Both children competed in the class 1 in the young handler category. Eliška and Aisha won the race
in this category and Jacob and Barnie placed the 2nd just behind them. Jacob knows that Barnie is already slower at her
age of 11.5, so he bravely accepted to be defeated by Eliška and Aisha. Because distance races allow the same dog
to start with different handlers, Aisha and Barnie competed with Milan in the highest class 3 and the order was the same
as with the children: Aisha won the race and Barnie placed the 2nd. At the end of June and the beginning of July,
Aisha and Barnie completed a treibball marathon. After a nine-month break, the distance races were finally followed by
live races and there were two consecutive races: the Gustin Memorial and the Vysočina Cup held as part of the DUO
TREIBBALL in Vícenice. Aisha and Barnie trained five different tasks in parallel, which was challenging, but they did
all well. Due to her age Barnie started in the class 2, where he has a shorter distance and fewer balls. It was a wise
decision, because the races were difficult, and it was hot. Aisha raced in the highest class 3. Both girls won the races
in their classes with a big lead.
After a long time, we went to an exhibition. In our opinion, Aisha is still in excellent condition at the age of 8,
so we wanted to verify whether the judges would have a similar opinion and try to add the title of Czech Veteran Champion
to her titles of Czech Champion and Interchampion. At the national dog show in Mladá Boleslav Aisha got Excellent
1 evaluation and the BOV (best veteran) title, at the international show INTERDOG BOHEMIA in Mladá Boleslav, she got
Excellent 1 evaluation and the BOV title, and even the BOB (breed winner) title. The judges praised her appearance,
muscular figure, and still very nice movement. To get the title of Czech Veteran Champion, Aisha needs one more V1 rating
in the veteran class, which we will try to get at the next club exhibition.
During the summer, we all worked hard on treibball and various distance learning courses and competitions. Eliška and
Aisha successfully completed all tasks in the German Treibball Challenge, and Milan with Aisha and Barnie participated
in Task 4 in the TREIBBALL OPEN, where Aisha ran the fastest time.
At the beginning of September, a meeting of Entlebucher Cattle Dogs took place. The meeting was already the 10th in
a row, ie the jubilee. It took place in the Losinka recreational area in Rapotín near Velké Losiny in the foothills
of the Jeseníky Mountains. The organizers really cared about the preparation of the event, and they prepared a rich
and interesting program. We were glad that we were able to contribute to the program with a demonstration and
minitraining of the basics of treibball.
The two-day Czech Treibball Championship has returned to Heroltice this year. Aisha raced in the highest class 3 and
Barnie in the class 2. On the first day, there was an individual race with a very demanding SMART run, the second day
was followed by an interesting and fun team race. In the individual race, Aisha won and took over the winning relay
and the champion title in the highest class 3 from her mother Barnie. Aisha and her team won the team race the next day.
Barnie won the individual race in the TRB 2 L class, and her team placed the 2nd in the team competition.
Photo: T.Kostrhun, R.Petříková, trb-brno, B.Stoklasová
Video: B.Stoklasová, M.Stoklasa
Spring 2021
Winter was long and spring started late. In the end everything started to bloom outside. It rained often and a lot,
and unlike in previous years, it was not hot, so everything in the forest and in the garden was beautifully fresh
and fragrant.
Easter was strange. Although we no longer spent it alone as in the previous year due to the covid, but due to the
lock of the districts, only Jacob and Eliška came to our house for the whole lockdown time. After the covid
restrictions had been relaxed, the school began. Classes took turns at school, so Kuba left earlier and Eliška stayed
with us. Together we visited Viktorka and little Eliah in Čimelice and we brought them late Easter gifts.
During the spring, small and big children usually took turns with us, only occasionally and for a short time, they
all met here. Gradually it warmed up and the roasting of sausages in jackets was replaced by a barbecue in T-shirts.
Aisha and Barnie assisted in everything, watching carefully for anything to fall.
With the release of covid restrictions, we began to gradually return to normal dog activities. We went to training
grounds and mainly we started training treibball again in Pesopark, where the training was followed by a well-deserved
bath. Before one exercise, we managed to capture Barnie's comments on the video.
Aisha and Barnie practiced treibball not only with Milan, but also with children. With Milan, they trained for the
Task 3: Flower in the TREIBBALL OPEN. Aisha had the fastest time and the best performance rating, Barnie placed the
2nd just behind her. Eliška participated with Aisha in the Treibball Challenge German course by Anja Jakob, where
she won free participation. Jacob and Barnie tried some tasks with them. Little Eliah can't train with dogs yet, but
he diligently helped to build the playground.
Winter 2020/21
This winter has been beautiful and white. Christmas was still without snow, but Aisha and Barnie enjoyed
the gifts and the presence of all the grandchildren. On the last day of 2020, Aisha and Barnie received
their last trophies for 2020, this time from Germany from Anja Jakob for completing all the tasks in the
Treibball Challenge 2020, which we all participated in. We started the new year 2021 with the children on
a trip to Medník. There, quite by chance, we met people interested in Entles, with whom we planned a meeting
so that they could meet our Entles "live", but we could not make it because of the covid.
Another wave of covid brought the cancellation of treibball training and the impossibility of organizing
live races. Therefore, together with our friend Helmut from Germany, we opened an international distance
competition for advanced called TREIBBALL OPEN . At the beginning of 2021, the school started only for the
lowest classes and Jacob had distance learning, so he stayed with us for a few weeks. A lot of snow fell,
which made Aisha and Barnie very happy and they carefully examined what was hidden under the snow.
The snow was accompanied by heavy frost, so we finally tried dog parkas. Together with Jacob, we went to
bobsleigh and cross-country skiing. There was a lot of snow and due to the low temperatures, it lasted for
a long time, so even treibball training took place on the snow.
At the end of January, Aisha and our litter A celebrated their eighth birthday. By age, Aisha and her
siblings are veterans, but they do not look like it. Unfortunately, the female Amy did not live to a veteran
age. In the middle of February, our litter B celebrated its fifth birthday. Together with the supply of meat
from relatives, we also received nice meat and bones for dogs. At the end of February, the children had their
spring holiday, and finally, after a long time, all the grandchildren met in our house after the previous
voluntary quarantine.
A full house of children means that there is always someone available to pet and gossip dogs and play with
them. In early March, Barnie celebrated her eleventh birthday. So far, she is quite fit, so we hope that
it will last for some time.
Jacob and Eliška started training treibball with both dogs and they were doing very well. During the
cleaning, after a long time, we have finally cleaned the dusty cups. Barnie and Aisha have already won many
of them at exhibitions and treibball races.
Autumn 2020
At the end of September, we finished the treibball racing season at the races in Pesopark, where we were the
main organizers and I was the judge. The races were supposed to take place in the spring, but due to
coronavirus limitations we had to move them to the autumn. And we were lucky because new restrictions came
right after them. Aisha was better this time. She won both the main race and the challenging treibball game.
Barnie was the second in both the main race and in the game. The teams that train with us in Pesopark took
first places in all race classes and many other medal places.
At the beginning of October, Terka, Kuba, and Eliška came to our house to celebrate their birthdays.
The weather was still almost summer, the grass beautifully green and a lot of raspberries were in the
garden. In mid-October, the children returned for a few days. We spent time together in the garden and
on walks. The leaves began to colour and the weather started to get colder.
In November, the first hoarfrost appeared, morning frosts and snow fell for a short time, so after the
walk it was nice to warm up by the fireplace.
We made a trip to visit Viktorka and Eliášek, who spent the autumn days together with their parents in
Čimelice. On a walk and at home, Eliášek was interested in dogs. At the beginning of December, Terka,
Kuba and Eliška came to decorate the Christmas cookies and Barnie and Aisha had to look after everything.
Photos and videos: Bohdana Stoklasová, Tomáš Kopanica and Milan Stoklasa
Summer 2020
At the end of June, we participated in two-day DUO TREIBBALL CZ races. The races took place at the Vápenka
ranch near Třebíč. The area was very convenient. The treibball playing field just fitted into the space
between the cottages, but we could sit comfortably in front of the cottage in which we were accommodated,
and we could watch the races. In the hot weather, the dogs enjoyed the lake at the place. Aisha, who managed
to run very clean SMART runs on both days, won both races. Barnie placed the second.
During the holidays, our grandchildren came to our house. They spent time with the dogs in the house and
in the garden, and we took various trips during which Barnie and Aisha could take a bath.
We also often grilled outside in nice weather. Barnie and Aisha watched the children carefully - especially
when handling food, waiting to see if anything would fall down. And, of course, they enjoyed the presence
of many small hands, always ready to cuddle them.
At the beginning of September, the children returned to school and kindergarten and we went to the Czech
Treibball Championship, which took place in Vícenice in Moravia. Barnie managed a golden hattrick there
and for the third time in a row she became the Czech treibball champion. Aisha did not do well in the main
race and she did not defend her position as the first vice-champion, but the next day in a difficult
treibball game she was better than Barnie and she placed the second, after Malouk from Germany. Barnie was
the third.
Photos and video: B.Stoklasová, M. Stoklasa, V. Janatová, R. Kramář, R. Petříková
Spring 2020
This spring has been very special. Due to coronavirus restrictions, we spent Easter and most of the spring alone this year.
Our Valpurgis night this year also took place in the chamber ensemble, but Barnie and Aisha did not miss their
traditional sausages.
We had to cancel the spring treibball races and trainings in Pesopark. We prepared an online course so that
the teams that train with us did not have a long break. We also trained and prepared videos for the German Treibball
Challenge by Anja Jakob. In the spring this year it rained a lot, so everything in the garden bloomed beautifully
and mushrooms started to grow in the forest behind our door very soon.
In May, after a long break, Jacoba and Eliška came to our house again, which made happy not only us but also the dogs.
The children played and trained with them, and we took walks and trips together.
Jacob and Eliška were later joined by Victoria and Eliah, so the family pack was complete again. In May, we also
resumed trainings in Pesopark and our lives began to return to normal.
Winter 2019/20
There was very little snow in the winter. It created a Christmas mood, but it didn't last until Christmas. But even
a small layer of snow made the dogs very happy. Under the Christmas tree, Barnie and Aisha found balance lenses and
clothes that they didn't need in warm weather. The best gift for them is when the whole family meets together, and the
children stay for holidays in our house.
Christmas time and the beginning of the year are a time of meeting with a close and extended family and friends that
Barnie and Aisha always like to welcome, especially when they usually bring something small (and sometimes big) for them.
We signed up for spring tests of classic cynology, so we started to go to training grounds more often again. At the end
of January, Aisha celebrated her 7th birthday with our Litter A, in mid-February our puppies from litter B celebrated their
4th birthday and Barnie ended the series of dog birthdays at the beginning of March with her 10th birthday. She celebrated
this anniversary in full force and silly, so we hope it will last for a few years like this. Kuba and Eliška came to
us for spring holiday, and besides skiing we also made an interesting trip to the bottom of the Orlík dam, temporarily
with less water.
With the rapid arrival of spring it was necessary to focus on the garden. Children also trained treibball with dogs. We did
not idle with treibball during the winter either. We trained alternately in two halls - in Bouda and Pesopark. Milan again
took part in the World Treibball League with both Barnie and Aisha. Because there was a very high attendance and many teams
ending with the full amount of points task in this jubilee tenth season, the organizer decided not to assign the title High
in Northern Hemisphere this year, but Aisha was praised for the fastest time for all the tasks. Only me and Aisha
initially signed up for the German Treibball Challenge, but when it was necessary to cancel races due to the Coronavirus,
Milan and Barnie also signed up. Barnie and Aisha tried the most difficult task planned for the canceled races at least
in the garden. Because of the planned overlapping video, Barnie had to run in the opposite direction compared to the
training, but she managed it on her first try.
Autumn 2019
At the end of September, we again accepted an invitation to Animals Day, where we showed treibball. In mid-October,
we went to treibball races to Berlin. The whole event was very pleasant. We stayed in a nice little hotel near
the venue of the races. The venue was very convenient and Helmut Semmet with his team ensured a great program and perfect
organization. Both our females competed in the highest class 3. The second run was the most difficult of all races we have
visited so far. Both our females performed very well. Barnie won the main race and Aisha placed the fourth, but she won
the treibball game. We stayed in Berlin one more day after the races and in beautiful weather we enjoyed a walk there.
Barnie won the club show twice in a row and in order to be awarded the title Czech Veteran Champion she needed one more
victory at the international show, so we went to Prague Expo Dog. Barnie was successful and got the title, we were
pleased that the judge was astonished that she was almost ten years old. During the autumn months, we alternately guarded
grandchildren in Prague and in our house.
The autumn 2019 was extremely colourful. Not only with regard to the beautiful colouring of nature but also with regard
to various weather changes. Our “walking” meadows and forests were sometimes covered by fog, sometimes covered by frost,
and we also experienced a short time of snow.
Summer 2019
The summer 2019 was exceptionally beautiful and events-rich, filled with long trips, long holiday stays of grandchildren,
great treibball victories and travels in the footsteps of our youth.
At the end of June, we spent a beautiful week in Switzerland. During our stay there, it was extremely hot all over Europe,
and it was very warm even in the mountains, so it was nice to have the opportunity to cool down in the snow, in mountain
streams and in lakes. We wandered through the high mountains, we saw the Matterhorn solitaire and the Jungfrau massif.
With two Entlebuchers we couldn't miss Entlebuch. We visited the original breeding kennels there, we talked to the breeders
and viewed historical photos with them. We ended our trip with treibball races in Murten, Switzerland, which Aisha won in
the highest TRB 3 class and Barnie placed the 3rd. In places, where originally Entlebuchers used to work with cows, their
work has been replaced everywhere by electric fences, so they could “graze” at least balls there.
During the summer holidays, all our four grandchildren took turns in our house, sometimes all of them were here together.
We made various trips and we also visited our relatives who breed cows. Bulls and heifers did not look friendly to our
dogs at all and the calves hid from them, so the herding would not have worked very well there. In addition to our
grandchildren, many other children visited our house during the summer holiday, so Barnie and Aisha had enough opportunities
to cuddle and romp.
In the middle of September, the Czech Treibball Championship was held in Heřmanův Městec. Both the main race and the
treibball game were challenging and competition in the highest class of TRB 3 was very strong: in addition to our teams,
there were also three excellent German teams. Barnie won the main race and she defended the title of the Czech champion
from the last year, Aisha placed the 2nd and she defended the title 1st vice-champion of the Czech Republic. Barnie also
won the treibball game with an accurate title “Show what you can do”. The game was announced only during the races, so it
was impossible to train it in advance. Barnie's masterful and flawless performance proved that she did not win the main
race just by chance. The titles of the champions and vice-champions of the Czech Republic in the lower classes took
away the teams that train with us in Pesopark, which also made us very happy.
At the end of August and the beginning of September, we visited two gatherings of small Swiss mountain dogs. We had a nice
day at the meeting of Appenzellers in Nesměř, where the organizers invited us for a demonstration of treibball.
The show was very succesful and the Appenzellers under our leadership tried the basics of treibball. Like Entlebucherss,
they very well very good at this sport. The show was followed by a well-deserved bath. We connected the trip to Nesměř with
a trip to the nearby castle and dam Vranov nad Dyjí. This year, the organizers have chosen for the gatehering of
Entlebuchers the venue Malý Ratmírov in South Bohemia, where we (literally) spent part of our youth, so this year's
gathering has been a very special one for us. The organizers asked us to show the top level treibball with Barnie and
Aisha and teach the others the very basics of this sport. The Entlebuchers, as usually, liked the sport and they learned
very quickly. In addition to the traditional lectures and competitions, we also went on a joint train trip to nearby
Střížovice, where we walked through our familiar places. Barney from our litter B, who lives on the other end of
Ratmírovský pond, visited us at Malý Ratmírov. He and his mother Aisha enjoyed a great time together at the shore of the
Spring 2019
During the spring, Aisha faced a severe and long-lasting stomach inflammation. She lost a lot of weight, so she took part
in most spring activities only as a spectator, or in a lightweight regime. We started the treibball racing season in
Heřmanův Městec. Only Barnie raced there, and she won the races. The whole family met during Easter. Kuba and Eliška spent
Easter holidays with us and for a couple of days Týna joined them with both children. The beginning of May belonged
again to treibball. The prolonged weekend at Pecka, where we taught treibball, was followed by treibball races - Gustin
Memorial in Heroltice. Barnie won the races again. In May was held the Special show of the Czech Mountain Dogs Club.
Barnie got the BOV title and the judge praised her still nice look, condition and temperament. We were pleased by Barney
from our litter B, who won in strong occupied open class and got the CAC title. As you can see in the collective photo,
Barney is very alike his grandma Barnie. After our return, we met Alex from our litter A at the training grounds. At the
beginning of June, we organized treibball races in Pesopark. After a longer pause, Aisha participated at the races. We did
not have any big ambitions, after a long pause, we were mainly happy that she was okay and that she could race again. We
were pleasantly surprised, because she placed the 2nd, just after Barnie, who scored another victory this season. Aisha won
the treibball game. In the second half of June, Milan celebrated his 70th birthday with the family and friends and with
a special treibball cake.
Winter 2018-2019
During the winter, Aisha and Barnie had many opportunities to play in the snow. Christmas was not white, but the whole
family met in our house, friends came, and we went to visit our relatives. Aisha and Barnie love family holidays
and visits. During the Christmas holidays, we visited our relatives living near Cibulka, where we spent most of our life,
and we walked around together. Jacob and Eliška stayed with us for winter holidays. After the New Year, children and dogs
could enjoy snow together. During the frosty days, it was pleasant to warm up by the fireplace. Our Litter A z Lesní
zahrady and Aisha celebrated their sixth birthday at the end of January. Our Litter B z Lesní zahrady celebrated
the third birthday in mid-February.
Barnie celebrated her ninth birthday at the beginning of March in the high mountains
during our ski holiday in Sölden, Austria. The World Treibball Winter League 2018-19 took place during winter. Milan
participated with both females this time and their participation was a great success - Barnie placed the first and Aisha
placed the second. During his holiday stay with us, Jacob tried one of the matches of the Treibball League. His skills
were highly appreciated by the Treibball League organizers from the USA and we also received the honorary Young Handler
Certificate for him, which made him very happy. We visited our German rivals from the treibball league and various
European races during our return from the mountains.
Autumn 2018
At the end of September, we accepted an invitation to show treibball at the
World Animal Day
in Pankrac Park. Nearby skyscrapers have created interesting scenes for the show. While former Entles were driving cows
under the high mountains, today, they are driving balls under the high skyscrapers. The World Animal Day was followed by the
Czech Treibball Championship
in Pesopark. We prepared the program for the Championship and we were also responsible for the organization
of the event. And because I also worked there as one of the judges, Milan competed with both females. The races were
thrilling because there were no favorites there, everyone could win. Barnie and Aisha won the titles of the Champion and
the 1st Vice Champion of the Czech Republic in the highest TRB 3 L class, which made us very happy. In absolute order,
they were only defeated by the Master of Germany.
In the autumn, Barnie and Aisha had considerably less opportunity to play and cuddle with children than in the summer, when
children spent much more time in our house during their summer holidays. During the autumn months, we trained not only
treibball, but also the classical cynology, and at the end of October, both
successfully passed the ZZO1 exam. In late autumn, we continued in treibball training in Pesopark, and Milan started to play
with both females in the World Treibball League 2018-19.
Summer 2018
This summer has been very hot, and because spending of the hot days in the green of our garden and at the swimming pool was
much more pleasant than in Prague, our house was full of children and various visits. During the summer, we participated at
two treibball races, including races abroad, combined with our holiday. Barnie and Aisha always had a company and a rich
At the end of the school year, Children's Day was held in Mokrovousy. The income from the event was sent to Jaroměř Animals
Rescue Station. We supported the good thing with our treibball demonstration. Children enjoyed treibball very much and they
liked to join the program wherever there was opportunity for their participation and help.
At the beginning of the holidays, Kuba and Eliška arrived to our house for two weeks, and they were here together with Viktorka.
On hot days, the kids enjoyed the swimming pool, trips, grilling and eating outdoors. During the children's stay, Barnie, Aisha
and Milan were preparing for the upcoming treibball races held during the Brno Dog Days. Cuba and Eliška helped with the training.
Our participation at the Brno Dog Days was very successful. Barnie was the second in the main race and she won the game “The
Orbit”. Aisha was the fourth in the main race and the third in “The Orbit”. One week after the Brno Dog Days, we went to
races to German Lautertal. Barnie delivered excellent performance in both runs. In the first run, she placed the second
and she won the second run. Aisha was the fifth in the first run and she was the sixth in the second one, but she completed
all the difficult tasks without necessary help. After the races, we spent a part of our holiday in a pleasant wellness
hotel in the picturesque Odenwald. On vacation, we had a very nice company - our German treibball rivals Flocke and Helmut
and Helmut's wife Monica.
In August, our house was again full of children and guests. The weather was still very warm, so children and dogs felt
best in the water and in the shade, but it was possible to go for trips in mornings or during some (not many) colder days.
Children showed the desire to try treibball training with our dogs and they were quite successful and happy together.
At the beginning of September, we have travelled as traditionally at this time to the Entlebuch Cattle Dogs Gathering,
which took place in Podmitrov. Unfortunately, we have not enjoyed it very much this year, and we had to leave earlier
because of the pain and edema of my tooth.
Spring 2018
Easter at the turn of March and April was very cold this year, so we were still warming in the fireplace and wearing
winter clothes. In the middle of April, we showed together with other dogs from Pesopark treibball at the For Pets
Fair. At the end of April, we trained the treibball in beautiful weather on an extended training weekend on Pecka.
In addition to treibball, all the treibball teams participated at the traditional final race.
Extremely warm weather continued at the end of April and at the beginning of May, when Terka and kids arrived to our
house for Witches. At the club show in Zárybničná Lhota in the middle of May, both Aisha and Barnie were very successful.
Aisha finished second in the winner class. Barney has moved into the veterans' class, which she won among female dogs,
and the judge highly appreciated her character, temperament, overall condition, and still nice color with a minimum
of grey. We were also pleased with the dog Barney from our litter B, who gained third place in the strong competition
of many dogs in the open class. The exhibitions was also attended by his sisters Bella and Bernie. Bella, who won last
year's entire dog show in females, regrettably did not repeat her success this year, because she has gained too much
weight. Bernie is very nice, but she did not want to show her teeth at her show premiere, so she was not rated.
Straight from the club show, we moved to Heroltice, where the next day the treibball races were waiting for us.
Barney and Milan were very successful and won both the main race and the treibball game. Aisha did not place on medal
positions in strong competition (including foreign), but she has a beautiful series of photos from her ball games.
In June, there were races in Pesopark, which we organised and I was the judge, so Milan raced with both females.
In the highest class of TRB 3 there was a very strong competition - a total of eight dogs, of which five German,
including the best ones. In the main race, Barnie was the third, Aisha won the treibball game focused on distant work,
and Barnie was third, so some of the nice trophies and prizes went to us. At the races in Pesopark, we were pleased
with nice performances of our young handlers. At both races in Heroltice and Pesopark the teams that train with us
in Pesopark placed on the first places or other medal positions, which made us very happy.
Photos: Milan Stoklasa, Bohdana Stoklasová, Klára Cimburová, jimhafan, Lucie Vybíralová, Marcela Kučerová Skalová
Winter 2017-2018
Christmas was not white this year, but since the whole family had come together, it was nice. Part of our Christmas
was also a traditional Christmas party at the training grounds. At the end of January, Aisha and our litter A celebrated
their fifth birthday. At the beginning of February, Kuba and Eliška arrived for their winter holidays. We drove to ski,
but there was enough time for trips and playing with dogs. After long eight months after meeting the conditions for
awarding the Interchampion title, in March, we finally got the official confirmation of this title for Aisha. Barnie
celebrated her eighth birthday in March and she moved into the category of veterans. Except some lighter places
in her burning around the muzzle, she does not look like a veteran and we wish it could last for a few more years.
Early in March, the Winter World Treibball League was closed and evaluated. Barnie and Milan got an incredible second
place. In mid-March we spent a beautiful skiing holiday in Sölden, Germany. Barnie and Aisha enjoyed the snow here,
which they could not enjoy much at home during the winter 2017-2018.
Autumn 2017
At the end of September, we went to our first foreign races to the German
These were the first races according to the new rules by Anja Jakob. We like very much this new, innovative way of treibball
races: the first run focused on speed, which is the same at all races, the second run focused on the accuracy of work,
which is unique at different races, and finally the game for fun. Since the distance work in the highest TRB 3 class seemed to be very demanding, we decided to register only Barnie for the highest TRB 3 class and Aisha for the TRB 2 class. Aisha had less difficult tasks compared to Barnie and she was the first and the second one in the main race and she won the game. Barnie was in the highest TRB 3 class in a very tough competition of 8 excellent dogs once the fourth and once the sixth and she was the third in the game. At our first races abroad, we expected rather collecting experience than medal positions, but both Aisha and Barnie made us happy. They were not lost among foreign competitors. Lautertal and its surroundings are very nice, so we stayed longer and made a trip to the surroundings.
At the beginning of October, the
Treibball Races in Pesopark II,
completely organized by us, took place in Prague.
Because I was the judge there, Milan competed with both our females, Barnie and Aisha. We were pleased with the participation
of four racing teams from Germany including multiple World Treibball League winners. In addition to the main race, we
included two treibball games focusing on distance work – the individual game
The Pastures
and the team
Relay Run.
The weather forecast and the weather in the morning just before the races looked terrible, but the rain had stopped
just before the races, and the wind slowed down to a force that allowed to open the races with the help of fixing rings.
Both our females were very successful even in the strong international competition. Aisha was twice the first, Barnie twice
the third and both helped in the longest runs significantly to the victory of Entlebuchers in the Relay Race. The teams,
training with us in Pesopark, made us also very happy. In all classes in which they participated, they won and took other
medal positions. After the races, our foreign guests appreciated the visit of the Prague City.
We repeated the trip to Germany at the end of October. At the races in
Aisha and Barnie have worked with numbered balls for the first time. Because it was a new concept demanding for precise
navigation, Milan raced with both our females. We entered Aisha for the Class 2 and Barnie for the top Class 3, both in
the size category medi. The night before the races, and in the morning of the race day, a strong front accompanied by rains
and storms crossed over Germany, so the start of the races was a little thrilling. All morning we waited in the room of our
pleasant hotel near the venue of the races, whether the wind would calm down and the races would start. It was not possible
to start at 9 am in the morning and it was necessary to postpone the start of the races till 1 am, but it was not necessary
to cut the program. Aisha was perfect in both runs, and she won. Barnie had a longer distance and more balls, but she managed
even a very complicated formation of the balls and she placed the second. Both females proved to be able to compete at races
of a different character than they are accustomed to, and not to get lost in a strong international competition, which made
us very happy. Since October, Milan and Barnie have been participating in the
World Treibball League,
which is a difficult virtual race involving treibball teams not only from Europe, but also from the US and Australia.
At the end of November, the grandchildren came to help with baking of Christmas cookies. Aisha and Barnie have been waiting
patiently for something to fall down the table, although meat is their priority. Late autumn brought the first snow.
Summer 2017
At the end of June, we spent a beautiful holiday in Slovenia. We stayed in a friendly guesthouse overlooking the Julian
Alps near the Lake Bled. A small area of Slovenia makes it easy to combine mountain-walking with bathing in lakes, mountain
streams and the sea. We visited places reminding of "the homeland" of Entlebuchs - mountain pastures with cows and mountains
chalets. Everywhere, the work of cattle dogs was replaced with the fences and electric wires. We combined our holiday with
an International Dog Show in Bled, where Aisha received her last missing CACIB title and met the conditions for assigning
the Interchampion title. Kuba and Eliška spent part of their summer holidays in our house. We made various trips. Aisha and
Barnie had plenty of opportunities for bathing, but we did not neglect the tracks.
During the summer, we had many visits
with children, who always appreciated cuddling with dogs. In July, we participated in the treibball races organized under
the umbrella of the Brno Dog Days. In the main race, both females made a mistake in the opening shot of the balls, and so
even the second fastest time of Barnie did not help her to get a medal position. We were more successful in the Parcours,
where Barnie placed the third and Aisha the fourth. At the end of August, we spent a very pleasant weekend as treibball
instructors at training weekend of mountain dogs at Pecka. This year, the treibball team was purely tricolor with a large
predominance of Entlebuchs.
All were skilled not only in training, but also in the final race where the treibball team won.
At the beginning of September, the sixth Entlebuch cattle dogs gathering was held on the Vysoke Pole. More than thirty
Entlebuch owners measured their strengths in entertaining competitions and learned the basics of rescue training and
hersenwerk. We closed the summer with a participation in the Czech Treibball Championship, for which we prepared a part
of the program focused on distance work. In the main race, we were unlucky at the start again. On the contrary, in
the second part of the race we were very successful. Aisha won the Carousel in the TRB2 class and Barnie won it in the top
TRB 3 class and left behind both home and foreign rivals. Barnie placed the second in the highest class in the Parcour.
We were very pleased with several first, second and third places won by our treibball pupils from Pesopark.
Spring 2017
As soon as the snow disappeared on the meadows, we returned to the tracks. The meadows gradually grew green and being
outside became more pleasant. At Easter, the whole family met in our house as every year, and Kuba and Eliska stayed more
often and longer with us compared to the winter months. In May, we participated in the Club exhibition in Zárybničná Lhota.
Barnie competed in the honorable class and she was evaluated Excellent 2, and she placed the second with an excellent review.
Aisha competed in the champion class and she was evaluated Excellent 4 and she also got a very nice review. The descendants
of Aisha were also very successful. With only one exception the whole Litter B was present. All puppies of Aisha got nice
reviews and two of them were placed in a strong competition in the junior class (8 males and 10 females) on medal positions.
Barney z Lesni zahrady ranked the 3rd with Excellent 3 evaluation, and Bella z Lesni zahrady ranked the 1st and with the
Excellent 1 evaluation and with the titles of CAJC, BOJ, BOS, she was the best of all 29 participating females. At the
spring, we completed successfully the German online treibball course called
Uzraubsziele - Treibball Challenge
by Anja Jakob.
At the beginning of June, the first Treibball races took place in Pesopark. We have prepared the races
completely on both the content and the organizational sides and we have been also the judges. In addition to the main
race, we included a treibball game focused on distance work. We were pleased with how carefully all the handlers prepared
their dogs and that they liked the races. In addition to our own dogs (Barnie won the main race and the treibball game in
the highest performance class TRB 3 and Aisha was the second in the main race and the fourth in the TRIB 2 class in the
treibball game), also the beautiful performances and the medal positions our Pesopark treibball pupils made us happy.
After the races, we started preparing part of the program for the Czech Championship of Treibball and filming sample videos.
During the hot days, the dogs welcomed swimming in the nearby pond.
Winter 2016-2017
Winter at the end of 2016 was mild and the Christmas was muddy. The year 2017 brought frost and long periods of snow from which our females greeted together with children. Even in snow
and frost, we have grown in treibball thanks to participating in the German Treibball Challenge course by Anja Jakob, where we performed various tasks and documented them through videos.
Slalom and snowmen were winter themes. During the cold winter, we all liked to sit and warm at the fireplace. At the end of January, Aisha together with our litter A celebrated her fourth
birthday; in mid-February, our litter B celebrated the first birthday. We were pleased with many beautiful photos of all our puppies and their happy owners. At the beginning of March,
Barnie celebrated her seventh birthday. We spent the whole winter teaching treibball in Pesopark. We were delighted that one of our best pupils - Jessik – successfully took part at our
treibball presentation at the Happy Dog Show.
Autumn 2016
Autumn was warm for a long time, so many pictures look more like summer than autumn ones. Like summer, our autumn was also devoted to treibball. During the last September weekend, we presented
treibball at the Afternoon of dog sports, to which we were invited by the Podřipský kynlologický spolek Straskov-Vodochody. The event was well organized and very pleasant. When we were under the Rip
hill, we combined the event with an afternoon on the way up to the rotunda. The last weekend in September was for us a truly rich in various events. After Saturday's visit in Straškov and the trip
to the Rip hill, on Sunday we went to Brno, where we combined two events in one day. We participated with both our females at the treibball races in nearby Heroltice and Aisha took place at the
national exhibition in Brno. At the treibball races, Barnie was second in the TRB 3 class and Aisha won in class TRB 2. At the national show in Brno, Aisha got the last CAC needed for assigning
the title of the Czech champion of beauty, officially awarded in October. In early October, we showed treibball at the big event Festival of animals at the exhibition center in Holesovice. We were
pleased that both girls worked in noisy environments fully concentrated and without mistakes. In addition, during summer and autumn, we focused on obedience and preparation for the international
BH exam. I have been preparing with Aisha and Milan with Barnie. During the exam, we found that one of my required documents was missing, and thus Milan had to pass the exam with both females.
Aisha was rather surprised, however, both females succeeded. Our instructor accompanied us to the exam and so we could celebrate the success together.
In September, we had exemplary treibball lessons in Pesopark and since October, we have started regular classes - a three-hour block every other Sunday. We have 17 skillful teams divided into three
groups - two groups of beginners and one advanced group. We are happy that two females from our B litter- Beany and Bernie, belong to them. In Pesopark, we started the training block in T-shirts,
but ended up in the cold and windy weather, so we were grateful for the heated yurt, which can be used in bad weather to train accurate work in a small space. In autumn, we also decided that we would
look after treibball experience abroad. We started with the online course called Treibball Challenge by Anja Jakob from Germany, where we discovered new and inspiring elements and work outside the
flat playground. We started to analyze the work of other foreign instructors and schools from where we could find possible inspiration as well. We will collect their videos and tutorials and we might
visit some interesting courses or races abroad. In the autumn, two older grandchildren, from whose presence Barnie and Aisha always have a joy, visited our house. And newly appeared the baby – little
Victoria. She is still tiny for romp with the dogs, so our girls at least carefully guarded her. After warm days arrived suddenly Martin on his white horse, and we enjoyed a few days of snow and
pleasant time at the fireplace. The snow disappeared and it has not appeared until Christmas, so we welcomed the frosted second Advent weekend, during which we managed to take the "white" pictures
for Christmas greetings. The Christmas Party at the training grounds was held in early December, so it belongs surprisingly to the autumn section. In the free discipline of the Christmas Party,
we showed treibball with great success.
Summer 2016
The summer was beautiful and hot days gave Aisha and Barnie many opportunities for water games. During the holiday, the grandchildren stayed with us for a longer period several times.
They missed the puppies, but then embarked on the usual antics with Barnie and Aisha. During the summer months, we have spent a lot of tome on promotion, teaching and development of treibball.
We demonstrated treibball at the meeting of Entlebuchers at the Lucký vrch, where we shot the video in beautiful countryside, and also in Pesopark. We trained treibball at the training weekend
of mountain dogs on Pecka. During the hot days, we practiced in th mornings and evenings and during the days, it was much better to go to the pond. Twice, we travelled with gymballs
and dogs to the Czech Canada. In August, we participated at the joint training in Strmilov, where we tested new components that should enrich the treibball races in the future. In September,
we spent a long weekend Radíkov in the role of organizers and trainers. Both events held in the Czech Canada were attended by the male Barney from our litter B, who lives nearby. In July, we went
to treibball races to Brno. Barnie won the top TRB 3 class and she also won another part of the races – the game called treibballity. Aisha was the third in the class TRB 2.
During the summer, we visited several exhibitions. Aisha was very successful at national and international shows in Mlada Boleslav. At both shows, held in July and August, she won the open
class and she came much closer to meeting the conditions for assigning the title of the Czech Champion (she got the last required CAC at the end of September in Brno and she was officially
awarded the title in October). At the Club exhibition in Jedovnice u Brna Aisha was evaluated as excellent, but in the strong competition in the open class she finished at the fourth place.
The Austrian judge was enthusiastic with lively Barnie. She called her “the torpedo” and she regretted, that Barnie competed in the honor class, where she could get only the evaluation excellent 1,
but no title. The male Barney from out B litter started his exhibition way very successfully, with the evaluation very promising 1 in puppy class and the victory in the puppy class. The next
day, he attended the gathering of the young dogs. All members of the committee liked him very much and he has got excellent evaluation. His sister Bella achieved excellent results at her firs
regional show in Usti nad Labem: she has hot the evaluation very promising 1 and she also won the puppy class. During the summer, we met several times not only Barney, but also his sister
Beany. We visited her in her new home and we met her also on Pecka. We also visited Bernie, who lives with her
owners and the Entlebucher aunt Claudi near us.
Spring 2016
We spent the beginning of spring with puppies. Easter with seven dogs, children and many relatives and friends, who all wanted to cuddle the puppies, was really blessed and merry.
We tried to make the shared Easter photo of puppies and their mother and grandmother, but the puppies had their own opinion and loaded with Easter decorations on their own. Before leaving,
the veterinarian examined the puppies - all are healthy and without hernia. The breeding consultant visited our house to accept the litter - all the five puppies are standard, which made
us and their future owners very happy. In the second half of April, the puppies began to leave our house and they moved to their new homes. They will all live in houses with gardens located
near woods and ponds, which is great. After leaving of the puppies, our live returned to normal tracks - we returned to the training ground to prepare for the autumn tests (BH and ZPU1),
and we started to train treibball regularly. Aisha was at the races still limited with her several months "puppy" training gap, but even so, she placed in all the races in class TRB 2
and in the games on medal positions. Barnie has been racing in the top class TRB 3 and she won it twice during the spring. We participated in races in Brno
and Radíkov.
Radíkov races, held in the beautiful environment of the Czech Canada, were associated with treibball joint training. In Radikov,
we also participated as organizers, creators of the website and coaches. We received many invitations from organizers of various dog
events. The interest in treibball demonstrations is growing. We could not meet all the demands, however, during the spring we spent a lot of time promoting treibball (Spring dogs training
in Pecka, Entlebuch Cattle Dogs Meeting in Chrzin, Dog Fest in Prague). We are pleased, that several participants were so attracted by the demonstrations, that they have begun to train treibball as well.
Winter 2015-2016
Winter 2015-2016 was mild and snow appeared only for a short time. But Aisha and Barnie managed to enjoy the snow not only in joint activities, but also in various activities with children.
In January, we participated in treibball indoor races in Brno. The races brought together 33 teams from three countries.
They competed in the main competition categories FUN, TRB 1, TRB TRB 2 and 3 and in three treibball games. With regard to Aisha's pregnancy (more later), we reduced her training before the
races, but in the main race category TRB 2 Large she ranked in 4th place and in play on colors in the third place. Barnie was more successful. In the main race category TRB 2 she ranked
in the second place and she won the game on colors. In the TRB 2 Large category, the Entles occupied 1 to 4 places and they fully dominated there. In March, Barnie celebrated her 6th birthday.
The main event of this winter, was undoubtedly the birth of puppies. In the second half of December, Aisha visited Harry vom Saarnberg for mating. In January, the vet confirmed her pregnancy.
Her belly began to grow, and on February 15 she gave birth to five puppies - four females and one male. The puppies grew quickly
and due to the warm weather they could spend some time in the garden, which they liked very much. Our grandchildren came quite often to visit the puppies. And because not only children and
future owners wanted to cuddle with puppies, our relatives and friends came to our house which was the great opportunity for socialization of the puppies.
Autumn 2015
Autumn 2015, was rich in all sorts of events. At the end of September, our grandchildren, whose stay makes Aisha and Barnie always very happy, spent more than one week in our house.
We took part in two exhibitions with Aisha. At the international exhibition in Ceske Budejovice, Aisha won the open class and she got the evaluation V1, CAC, CACIB and BOS. Her parents
(Barnie Sweape and Auksis Interpola) did not compete this time and they just kept their paws. After the exhibition, the whole family, together with Harry vom Saarnberg, enjoyed the chase
in fallen leaves and the whole company even visited the cinema :-). At the international exhibition in Prague, in the highly occupied open class, Aisha got the evaluation V2 and Res.
CAC. In October, Aisha successfully passed the breed evaluation in Mlada Boleslav, which made us very happy. We are pleased with our results achieved at the fall treibball races. In late
September, we participated in the unofficial race in Radíkov, located in the beautiful Czech Canada. Aisha got in the main competition (category TRB1) and accompanying treibball games
two first places and one second place. Barnie got in the main competition (category TRB1) and accompanying treibball games two first and two third places. That the excellent results
achieved during the unofficial races were not random, confirmed both girls one month later, during the official competition in Ostrava. There met 22 dogs from 3 countries. In the main
race competed Aisha and Barnie in category TRB 1, where competed a total of 10 dogs. Barnie won the main race, and Aisha was ranked second just behind her. In the afternoon treibball
games was much more successful Aisha, who placed once the first and once the second. Barnie placed the fourth in one of the games. We combined our treibball trip to Ostrava with the visit
of Akim from of our litter A, who lives nearby. He is a beautiful strong dog, a faithful copy of his father. In November, we spent a great day with his brother Alex and his masters.
Summer 2015
Summer 2015 was hot, full of swimming, traveling and meeting both old and new friends The first part of the summer we spent in the East Slovakia. Our plans for long hikes along Levoča
and Pieniny hills ruined extremely hot weather. It was much more pleasant to spend time in the water. In Slovakia, Aisha participated in national and international exhibitions in Velká
Ida (national exhibition EXC1, CAC, National winner and BOB, international exhibition V1, CAC, CACIB and BOB). During the summer, our grandchildren spent nearly a month in our house.
Aisha and Barnie always enjoy their company. Several times (at the river and during the visit to our house), we met Alex, a dog from our litter A. At the beginning of September,
we participated at the 4th meeting of the Czech Entlebuchs. We met tricolor friends, that we already know, and we also met a number of new dogs and their owners. The meeting took place
in the beautiful surroundings of Žďárské hills. In addition to various competitions, dogs had enough time to play together and move freely. We also devoted some time to the joint treibball
training with Buschi and Harry. We were pleased to see both girls to be able to follow our instructions reliably in a foreign environment. During the summer, we have moved forward again
a bit, so we could try a water treibball. Both Aisha and Barnie have participated at the Czech Swiss Mountain Dogs Club exhibition. In a very strong competition, both girls won second
places and res. CACs. During the summer, Aisha and Barnie also spent a lot of time in the garden playing hide and seek (and catch me).
Spring 2015
During Easter Aisha and Barnie enjoyed the presence of the whole family and also (unlike us) a spring snowfall. In April Aisha passed the basic obedience ZOP exam with excellent results.
She got 99 points out of the possible 100 ones. Gradually the weather improved, so we could go for different trips and we were able to install the garden treibball training equipment,
which was highly appreciated not only by our dogs, but also by children. We trained treibball intensively during the Spring. In the quiet and familiar environment of the garden, both
Aisha and Barnie were doing very well. In May, we went to the first joint treibball training in Strmilov (South Bohemia). In a foreign environment and in the company of other dogs were
performances of both females significantly worse than at home, but we took a lot of inspiration and valuable advice from experienced coaches. In June, we attended our first treibball
competition. Given that we are treibball beginners, our goal was that both females undertake all the required exercises in the main competition and in all accompanying teibball games,
we had no medal ambitions. The objective was met and Barnie missed just one tenth of a second bronze medal in her category in the main competition. Aisha was placed on nice fifth place
just behind her. Again, we collected a lot of useful experience and inspiration from the more experienced participants. We met the father of Aisha (Auksis Interpola), who is already
an experienced racer and won several medals.
Winter 2014-2015
Winter 2014-2015 was very mild and snow never lasted for a long time. Even so, Barnie and Aisha were able to enjoy it. At Christmas, the whole family met in our house. Having the big pack
together, this is the greatest gift for both Barnie and Aisha. Under the Christmas tree found both girls besides various toys also new collars with their names. Just after Christmas, the
Christmas party was held at the training grounds. Barnie started her rutting season at the time of the party and thus only Aisha, supported by her brother Alex, could attend it. At the end
of January, Aisha celebrated together with the whole litter A z Lesni zahrady the second birthday. All owners of our puppies sent us new photos showing dogs at the desired angle, so we
could complete the table showing the evolution of their "faces" from birth to adulthood. During the winter, our grandchildren came several times to spend some time in our house. They like
to walk with dogs on leash and they started to learn the very basic handling. Being together, our grandchildren and dogs never miss the opportunity to romp and cuddle. In February, Barnie
and Aisha participated in the international exhibition in Brno (Barnie Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB, Aisha Ecxellent 2). In March, Barnie celebrated her 5th birthday. Like Aisha, she got
the new harness with her initial. Throughout the winter we regularly practiced the basics of treibball and the results are visible.
Autumn 2014
This fall was nice and warm – playing in the garden and walks in the brightly colored landscape were extremely pleasant. Even at the end of November we could bask on the terrace. At the
training ground Barnie and Aisha belong to to the same group of advanced dogs, so we go there all together. We try to go to the training ground regularly so that Aisha would be able to pass
the basic exams in Spring. Sometimes we are able to train with Alex, the male from our litter A. In November, we visited the international exhibition in Prague with Aisha. In a very
strong competition in her intermediate class, she ranked third with excellent evaluation. At the exhibition, Aisha met her father Auksis Interpola.
During the fall we have been training treibball and progress is visible. Barnie and Aisha are able to roll the gym-ball over the entire garden in the designated direction. They do really
enjoy the training. We went on several trips and we welcomed a number of visits including our grandchildren in our house. Barnie and Aisha love our family and friends visiting
our house. They just sometimes manifest their joy too loudly and wildly.
Summer 2014
After several months of various constraints in the recovery period of Aisha, both girls could enjoy the summer in full and without any limits. The weather was beautiful, so we spent a lot
of time at the lakes or rivers. Aisha compared with last summer changed his aloof relationship with water and became the right "waterman". During the summer holiday, the children spent
more time in our house than usually. Aisha and Barnie like to play with them and they know that they can always expect not only caress, but also a treat from them. In the advertising of agility
set we read that it is great not only to entertain dogs, but also children. We bought it, although we have no ambition to compete in agility. And the advertising was right! We have also
started training the basics of treibball. Both girls train with great taste, but we are at the very beginning and we still have a long way to the time when they will be capable of rolling
several balls into the gate. We go to the training grounds, where we occasionally meet Alex, the brother of Aisha. He grew up in a big dog, which is obvious mainly compared with smaller
mother Barnie and sister Aisha. Since September, Aisha has been visiting the advanced group of dogs together with Barnie and she has begun to prepare for exams.
Spring 2014
During the Spring months in the life of our females alternated moments of both joy and sadness. In March Barnie celebrated her 4th birthday and she was also officially awarded the title
of Interchampion. After a long pause Aisha started to limp again. She has limped occasionally since a small accident at the age of about six months. While previous X-rays showed no
abnormality, February images and comprehensive examination unfortunately proved bilateral osteochondrosis (OCD ) of her shoulder joints. OCD is a separation of the cartilage, which has
to be removed surgically. In addition to classic operation it is possible to choose friendlier method - arthroscopy, which we did. Both arthroscopies were without complications and Aisha
should be fine. Although the wound after arthroscopy is almost invisible, we wanted to prevent Aisha from removing the clips too early, so in addition to unplanned spring fur cut she
also experienced wearing the T-shirt. She bore it very patiently as well as her mandatory six-week rest. Both Aisha and Barnie have quickly understood that any attempt to move leads to an
immediate separation, so they rather lie in peace in a common bed. Barnie has her usual program – we go with her to a training center and for walks, but Aisha's program is now very limited.
Easter bringing the whole family including children to our house was a welcome distraction for her. Although she could participate in all the common activities only on the leash, she was
happy to have her big pack together.
Winter 2013-2014
Aisha and Barnie love Christmas and the celebration of the New Year. Not only because Christmas presents, but mainly because our house is full of people. The whole family including
children spends a couple of days in our house together. After the Christmas time, our friends come to welcome the New Year with us. Aisha and Barnie have always someone available to cuddling
and playing. The Christmas party is held at our training center every year. This year Barnie has started her rutting season, she had to stay at home and only Aisha could participate.
In the Christmas competitions, Aisha has got the 2nd place of some 20 participating dogs, including the adult ones. Although we had no snow during the Christmas time, we had some in January.
It lasted only for several days, however, Aisha and Barnie managed to enjoy these days. On 28th January, Aisha and Barnie celebrated the 1st birthday of our Litter A. After the party
and sharing the Birthday cake they both fell asleep together at one bed.