Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi
DUO TREIBBALL CZ 2020 in Nová ves near Třebíč, 27-28.6.2020
The first treibball races after the coronavirus break took place at the end of June. The Memorial of Gusta was moved to the
originally planned Vysočina Cup races, so the races were two days long. The main organizers Věra Janatová and Renata
Kolomazníková prepared a very demanding program for both days, with which both our females coped well. In the FAST run
focused on speed, Barnie, ten years old, had surprisingly the best time both days, in the SMART run, which required accuracy,
this time Aisha was better, winning both races. Barnie placed the second just behind her in both races. The races took place
at the Vápenka Ranch near Třebíč. Accommodation in the area overlooking the playing field was very pleasant, as well as tasty
food that could be ordered. On a hot weekend, everyone appreciated the possibility of swimming in the lake located at the
Foto: Bohdana Stoklasová, Věra Janatová
Video: Milan Stoklasa
© Stoklasovi, 2012