Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi
International Exhibition DUO CACIB BLED 2013,
Bled, Slovenia, June 2013
In mid-June, we went with on holiday to Slovenia. We combined this holiday with the DUO CACIB Bled 2013 Exhibition. We visited Bled and Julian Alps.
Lake Bled is beautifully situated between the mountains. The castle and the church on the island enhance the charm of the lake.
After exploring the Lake Bled we made a number of trips into the surrounding mountains. Since our small Aisha is not yet allowed to go far, we highly appreciated that the mountains are
easily accessible by car. In the neighboring Lake Bohinj there is a beautiful waterfall, but to reach it, you have to climb a lot of stairs. Puppies cannot climb stairs so we carried
her up and down on our hands like a Princess.
We stayed in a very nice pension and all the restaurants around the lake in the mountains offered excellent food.
The international Exhibition DUO CACIB Bled 2013 was held nearby the Lake Bled. We were curious as to how judges will evaluate Barnie soon after the puppies and how they will like our
little Aisha. Both Barnie and Aisha were very successful, Barnie 2x CACIB and BOB, Aisha 2x very promising and Best Puppy.
© Stoklasovi, 2012