Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

The 6th Gathering of the Entlebuch Cattle Dogs,   Dětřichov - Vysoké Pole,   1.- 3.9.2017

This year, the sixth Entlebuch Cattle Dogs meeting took place in Vysoké Pole near Dětřichov. More than thirty Entlebuch owners met in the camp located in a beautiful landscape. The joint program began on Friday with a dating evening in the restaurant and i continued with competitions outside on Saturday and with a common walk on Sunday. The weather was far from ideal, but all the fun competitions and rescue and hersenwerk demonstrations took place according to the schedule and the rain came only during our Sunday's walk. The whole event was prepared very carefully and creatively by Katka, Martin, Vláďa and Zdenička. Preparations started in advance with careful selection of the venue, competitions and demonstrations were both entertaining and informative. The event was prepared and thought out in the smallest detail, including medals and diplomas with a special design for each competition, and we are glad to have some of them (two silver medals and one bronze medal) at home as a nice memory. The beautiful trophies were complemented by many valuable prizes from sponsors. The organizers are very grateful for the preparation and all participants for a nice company and a relaxed atmosphere throughout the event. All Entles were very handy and good - despite their great concentration in one place, no conflicts had to be resolved. You can find the full video of the action at YouTube.

© Stoklasovi, 2012