Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball Freestyle Turnier, Lautertal, 24.9.2017

At the end of September, we went to our first foreign races to the German Lautertal. These were the first races according to the new rules by Anja Jakob. We like very much this new, innovative way of treibball races: the first run focused on speed, which is the same at all races, the second run focused on the accuracy of work, which is unique at different races, and finally the game for fun. The first run reminded of our main race, just the borders surrounding the gate and the playing field were missing, which made the races harder for fast dogs and gave more chance to slower and more accurate dogs. The second run focused on distance work began with the eight around the groups of balls and after completing the eight the balls had to be delivered to the goal in a predetermined order of colours. The final game proved the ability of dogs to work with balls in difficult conditions: a non-round ball – a peanut, a ball filled with water returning to the dog and a ball placed in a pool with water were used for the game. There were also sausages on the way, that the dog could only eat after finishing the job. Since the distance work in the highest TRB 3 class seemed to be very demanding, we decided to register only Barnie for the highest TRB 3 class and Aisha for the TRB 2 class. Aisha had less difficult tasks compared to Barnie and she was the first and the second one in the main race and she won the game. Barnie was in the highest TRB 3 class in a very tough competition of 8 excellent dogs once the fourth and once the sixth and she was the third in the game. At our first races abroad, we expected rather collecting experience than medal positions, but both Aisha and Barnie made us happy. They were not lost among foreign competitors. Lautertal and its surroundings are very nice, so we stayed longer and made a trip to the surroundings.

© Stoklasovi, 2012