Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball Freestyle Turnier, Lautertal, 21.7.2018

In the second half of July, we decided to repeat our participation at the treibball races in Lautertal, Germany. The races were challenging – especially the second run, where the dog had to make three eighths, ending with a ring, with the furthest formation placed at 18 m. There was also a great competition of excellent German dogs (Flocke, Merlin, Malouk and Molly). Barnie has performed excellently in both runs. In the first run, she placed the second, and she won the second run. Aisha did not hit the open goal in the first run, but, unlike last year, she managed to correct the mistake without problems. In the second run, she had some problems with the eight placed at the distance of 18 m in training, and so she pleasantly surprised that she managed it in the race - a bit inaccurately, but without the need of help from a shorter distance. In the first run Aisha placed the fifth and in the second run she placed the sixth. After both runs, there was another fun game that focused on team work and selfcontrol of the dogs. After the races, we made some trips in Lautertal and then we moved to the wellnes hotel in the center of Odenwald, where we spent some nice days with Helmut, Monika and Flocke. We had to shorten and modify the planned hiking trips because of the very high temperatures, so that our journey through Odenwald went mainly through the forest. In the afternoons, we used the hotel's wellness offer - we especially enjoyed the pool, we did not need sauna in these hot days. Warm evenings made it possible to sit outside during nice dinners in the hotel and other places.

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