Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi
KV Berna, Murten, Switzerland, 30. 6. 2019
At the end of June, we tried treibball races in another country - this time in Murten, Switzerland. We combined the
races with our week holiday
. The races were held according to the rules of Anja Jakob in the premises of the
KV Berna. It was a very intimate race with only 11 dogs: 3 beginners and 8 in racing classes 1-3. But there was tough
competition in the top class, because Aisha and Barnie were competing with their biggest rivals from Germany - Malouk
and Merlin. At races organized according to the rules of Anja Jakob is used different gate than in our country, there
are no auxiliary side cushions, so if the dog misses the gate, it loses more time. Aisha and Barnie showed nice
performances, but Aisha was the most accurate of all dogs, so she won the race. Barnie placed the 3rd, Malouk wedged
second among our females. Two rounds of the main race were followed by a fun treibball game. The premises of KV Berna
were very pleasant and provided enough shade, which was very important because the temperature rose to 33 degrees on
the day of the race. The atmosphere was pleasant. Apart from our females there was another mountain dog – the Appenzel
Joschi. Joschi is a beginner and his owner seemed to be very interested in the specifics of treibball training of our
dogs, so we were happy to share our experience. Murten is located only 60 kilometers from Entlebuch, so Aisha and
Barnie chased the balls very close to where their ancestors had recently been hunting cows.
© Stoklasovi, 2012