Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Summer training weekend, Pecka u Nové Paky 26-28.8.2016

At the end of August, the traditional summer training weekend focused mainly on mountain dogs took place in Pecka. Our lecture and practical demonstration of treibball durin the spring training attracted both participants and organizers of the event and so we were invited to train the treibball team in summer. The event always takes place from Thursday to Sunday, trainings are scheduled for Friday and Saturday mornings and afternoons and Sunday morning is dedicated to the race of all teams. Due to the high temperatures, the training sessions had to be rescheduled to mornings and evenings. During the day, participants had the opportunity to swim in the nearby pond or swimming pool. The stable base of the treibball team consisted of several Entlebuch young girls, one collie and one Bernese mountain dog. Other participants having their base in other teams came to try treibball only occasionally for a short time. Each training block we opened with a practical demonstration with Barnie (we had to keep Aisha separately because of her season), followed by theoretical explanation and practical exercises. All team members were beginners, but they were very talented and they made rapid progress – at the end of the second training day all the dogs were able to push the ball and reach the target. All the team members obviously enjoyed the treibball training and almost all of them plan to continue, some have even already signed to other courses. The treibball team did very well also in the team competition, where its members placed on the second place. The event was held in the beautiful surroundings and the program was rich, each of its 130 human participants and their dogs could find appropriate employment and entertainment there. We were happy to be there – special thanks to Jana and Pavel Pečenka for both the invitation and perfect organizing.

© Stoklasovi, 2012