At the beginning of June, the first Treibball races took place in Pesopark. We have prepared the races completely on both the content and organizational sides, and we have also been the judges. In addition to the main race, we included the game focused on checking the distant control of dogs. The dogs of different breeds participated at the races, which proved, that treibball was not a sport only for the sheep and cattle dogs. The age difference between the youngest and the oldest participants in the races was over 60 years, confirming that treibball is a sport suitable for handlers of all ages. Performance of all participating teams in both the main race and the game was excellent. Pushing of 1,3,6,8 balls to the goal required in the main race is the same everywhere, and it did not need any special training, but the game focused on distant control had to be trained. We were pleased with how carefully all the handlers prepared their dogs for it. In addition to our own female dogs (Barnie won both the main race and the treibball game in the top TRB 3 class and Aisha placed the second in the main race and the fourth in the treibball game in the TRB 2 class), we also enjoyed the beautiful performances and medal positions of participants of our treibball lessons in Pesopark. The weather was pleasant for the races. Although the clouds were threatening us all day, the race and the game took place without rain or wind. Extremely strong rain and wind came only when the results were announced, which had to be done in improvised and accelerated form under the roof. The weather also spoiled our plans for a joint photo at the end, but even without it, all the participants enjoyed the action and would have a nice memory. Many thanks not only to all participants and Jaroslava Chlumska for providing great facilities for races in Pesopark, but also to our sponsors (, STAZ and 4dox) for great prizes.
Photos: Marcela Skalová, Milan Stoklasa, Aneta Zavoralová