Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball Seminar in Italy, Verona 19.-20.10.2024

It all started at the European Treibball Start 2024. For the first time, two teams from Italy took part at our inter-national races and they did very well. Before the race, Luigi and Vicky and Marina and Joy trained with us. During the race, an invitation came to lead a treibball seminar near Verona. Under the leadership of Diego and Marina, the event took on an increasingly concrete form and the seminar was successfully held on 19-20 October 2024.
Come with us to repeat our week-long Italian trip, which was really varied and great.
We divided the long journey to Verona and enriched it with several stops. We spent the night in a pleasant hotel above Innsbruck and the next morning we stopped in Andalo and Molveno, where we used to go skiing with our daughters for many years.
Diego, who was the main organizer of the whole event, arranged accommodation for us in a nice hotel with excellent breakfasts and dinners for us and lots of greenery for walking dogs. We enjoyed good food through-out our entire Italian journey.

On Friday before the race, our Italian friends took us on a tour of Verona and Luigi and Claudia invited us all for lunch in their beautiful villa with a beautiful garden. After the lunch, a trip to Lake Garda followed, and during the afternoon walk around the lake, we could not miss excellent Italian ice cream, which was appreci-ated not only by us, but also by Aisha and Pretty.

After Friday spent on beautiful trips with our Italian friends, it was time to repay their care at the seminar.
It rained strongly almost all day on Saturday. We appreciated the large, covered gazebo during the theoretical part for all participants, but we had to go out into the rain for the high level treibball demonstration and the practical part in small groups. Despite the weather, everyone trained until the end and during training there was a good mood, and we even had a lot of fun. Undoubtedly, the excellent food prepared by Massimo for all participants at the seminar site contributed to keeping the good mood going. We really didn't expect a three-course lunch made up of Italian specialties at the training ground. On both days, we had two translators from English to Italian available. Milan was worried about his imperfect English, but Iwona Misiak, originally from Poland, who understood Czech, saved him. Moreover, Milan comes from Ostrava, where Polish is also spo-ken. At the presentation of the seminar certificates, we looked like ghosts on the first day in waterproof clothes and special hairstyles after staying under the hood and in the rain all day. However, nobody was both-ered by this during the final part of the seminar, we were glad that everyone completed the entire theoretical and practical part and perhaps learned something. With one exception, even the dogs worked nicely in the rain and with wet balls all day.

The next day the weather was nice, so the second group had an advantage. The programme was the same as the first day, after the theoretical part and a demonstration for everyone, the participants were divided into small groups for the practical part. Everyone appreciated working in small groups because the participants had the opportunity to practice all the tasks several times and there was also time to solve the problems that the participants had written in their wishlists.
During both days we met many very promising teams, all working with interest and making great progress. We believe that we will meet many of them at international competitions here or in Italy, as well as in our online competition TREIBBALL OPEN.

After the seminar, we spent two more days at the sea. Since we didn't expect to be swimming at this time, we chose the beach where Aisha would be able to swim without restrictions. Brussa Beach impressed us be-cause there are really no hotels, guesthouses or campsites, as it is a nature reserve where nothing is allowed to be built, and no camping is allowed. But the best thing was that we were completely alone on the beach and the weather and water were so warm that swimming was pleasant for us, too.

Photo and video:   Bohdana and Milan Stoklasovi, Marina Ruffo

© Stoklasovi, 2012