Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi
Treibball Freestyle Race in Zeilhard, 25. 8. 2024
25.8. we participated together with Jirka Čedík and Pretty at the freestyle treibball race in Zeilhard,
Germany. Just like in April in Tachyon Sport Arena, it was an international race with the participation
of 35 teams from 5 countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain). Neither Aisha
nor Pretty lost in the international competition in the TRB 3 class. Aisha gave an excellent performance
in both runs and deservedly won the M category. Pretty competed in the TRB L category and finished in fourth
place. After her classic shy start, she was working nicely in the Kür round. In the Pflicht run, she was
a bit troubled by the U-shaped goal without side screens, which she encountered for the first time at the races,
but both girls coped bravely with all the obstacles (including the playing field on a gentle slope) and certainly
did not embarrass the Pesopark team. The Kür run was challenging and the race very well organized, we thank Helga
Jankowski, Anja Jakob and the entire organizing team. The beautiful surroundings of the Odenwald, nice accommodation
and the excellent restaurant were a pleasant bonus.
We extended our stay in the Odenwald and went on a trip to the ruins of the Rodenstein Castle and the
picturesque old town of Michelstadt. On Monday, both places were empty of people, which was great.
Photo and video: Bohdana a Milan Stoklasovi
© Stoklasovi, 2012