Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi
Christmas Party, 27.12.2014
Exactly like in the last year, Barnie could not attend the Christmas party at the training grounds because of her rut and thus only Aisha could enjoy it.
However, the cattle dogs (Aisha, her brother from our litter A Alex and one Appenzell) formed between the 36 participating dogs majority.
The Christmas party took place in a very chilly day, so the technical "static" disciplines had to be removed and thus the speed oriented competitions with a big share of runs dominated.
This reduced the chances of robust cattle dogs on the location on the medal places - even when we consider them to be very fast, they can hardly compete with lighter and leggy breeds
in runs. The medals are at the Christmas party much less important than joy and this year warming of both dogs and their masters has been extremely important. Aisha ended on the nice
seventh and Alex on the fifteenth place. In the free discipline, which is all about entertaining audiences, Aisha ended with his gym-ball rolling on the second place. Aisha and Alex
greatly helped their rivals to win the competition. In the discipline, where the dog had to accompany the trumpet by singing, but he did not sing much, the Entles added their special
vocals, which encouraged other dogs to sing and their masters to laugh.
© Stoklasovi, 2012