Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

The 4th Gathering of the Entlebuchs, Lucký vrch, 4.- 6.9. 2015

The fourth gathering of the Entlebuchs was held on Lucký Hill in the beautiful environment of Žďárské Hills. There were over 30 dogs, of which 25 were Entlebuchs. The chalet and its surroundings offered ideal conditions for running and playing of dogs, lectures and competitions. Pleasant atmosphere following the meeting is well illustrated by the photographs and video. Many thanks for site selection and organization of the whole event include Pavlina Janakova.

Program meeting was rich - it alternated with lectures and various competitions. However, the dogs had plenty of time to run and play together. In the competition Agility 50/50, where half of the track had to run the dog and another one the master, Barnie and Milan won the second place. In another competition, we had to look for paper sheeps hidden in the countryside. We found successfully all the sheeps, but instead of running we rather enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and thus our time was far from good.

During the meeting we found time for joint treibball training with Auksis, the father of Aisha, and Harry. We were pleased to see that both Aisha and Barnie are finally able to operate quite reliably in a foreign environment and uneven terrain. The last gathering day was devoted to a joint walk around the neighborhood. The dogs were extremely happy to run and play freely in the open terrain. Staying in the Žďárské Hills, we concluded our trip at the places where we used to go many years ago on holiday and and excellent late lunch at the Studnice chalet.

© Stoklasovi, 2012