Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

DUO TREIBBALL 2021, Vícenice, 3.-4. July 2021

At the beginning of July, after a nine-month covid break, it was again possible to organize live treibball races, so we went to an extended weekend to Moravia. During this weekend two races took place within the DUO TREIBBALL. At the age of 11, Barnie started in the class 2 L, where there are a shorter distance and fewer balls, Aisha started in the class 3 L. Aisha and Barnie won both races in their classes.

Day 1: The Memorial of Gusta
The tasks for the SMART run were very difficult for all teams. In addition, after a nine-month break, all dogs showed poorer handling in live races. Most of the teams took part in various distance competitions and races during the covid break, and they all got used to the fact that an unsuccessful attempt could be repeated and filmed again. Of course, it is more difficult to practice a difficult task live in one attempt. Neither Aisha nor Barnie did the SMART round without mistakes, but they made much less mistakes than the competitors and both won by a big lead. Undoubtedly, the training of very demanding tasks under the umbrella of the TREIBBALL OPEN was very helpful.

Day 2: Vysočina Cup
The programme of the second day was less demanding and the stress from the live races was significantly smaller compared to the first day. The performances of all teams were cleaner than the first day and the atmosphere was much more comfortable. Aisha and Barnie won again with a big lead.

Photo:  Bohdana Stoklasová
Video:  Milan Stoklasa
© Stoklasovi, 2012