Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

DUO TREIBBALL 2022, Vícenice, 25. - 26. 6. 2022

At the end of June, two-day DUO TREIBBALL competition was held again in Vícenice. Barnie competed in the TRB 2 L class and Aisha in the highest TRB 3 L class. This year two other teams who train with us in Pesopark participated in the TRB 1 L class: Jirka with Pretty and Pavla with Šon. I was the goal judge at the races.

Day 1: Vysočina cup
The Vysočina cup race took place on the first day in perfect weather for treibball. Both Barnie and Aisha performed perfectly in both runs and their much younger and bigger Border competitors made more mistakes, so both girls won in their TRB 2 L and TRB 3 L classes. Pavla and Šon added another first place for the team from Pesopark in the TRB 1 L class in strong competition. Pretty didn't do too well on the first day, she's just gaining racing experience and she needed to get used to the new environment.

Day 2: Gustin memoriál
The Memorial of Gusta was on the agenda the next day. It was very hot. Fortunately, the race started very early so it ended before the heat reached its peak. Barnie performed perfectly in the FAST run where she was surprisingly faster than her much younger and larger competitors. On the other hand, they did very well in the SMART run, where Barnie made a few mistakes and finished the third. Aisha was fast and accurate in both runs and she deservedly won. Pretty was able to adapt to the new environment, she showed her best and she won in a big competition. On the contrary, Šon made mistakes on the second day and he did not reach the medal position. The overall placement of the team from Pesopark was very successful. On the first day it took first places in all racing classes and on the second day it took two first places and one third place. As can be seen in the final photo, all representatives of Pesopark were very satisfied. In addition to conscientious training, regular participation in TREIBBALL OPEN undoubtedly contributed to these wonderful results. In TREIBBALL OPEN the teams must cope with more difficult tasks than in live competitions, which remarkably strengthens the confidence and cooperation of the participating teams.

Results: Vysočina cup, Saturday
Results: Gustin memoriál, Sunday
Photo:   Bohdana Stoklasová, Pavel Hejč
Video:   Milan Stoklasa
© Stoklasovi, 2012