Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball Races in Pesopark V, 2.6.2019

Treibball Races in Pesopark V took place on the 2nd June 2019 in Pesopark, Uhříněves. We were the main organizers and I was also one of the judges, together with Jiří Skala and Zuzana Nedbálková.

Out of the 32 applied teams, 31 of them took part in the start. In addition to the Czech teams, 4 German teams participated in the races. The highest TRB 3 L class hosted the Champion and both Vice Champions of the Czech Republic from 2018, and the teams that got the title High in Nothern Hemisphere in the World Treibball League 2018-2019.

Many different breeds and crossbreeds, including very small ones, took part at the races. According to the new rules, our races consist now of two runs. After two runs called FAST and SMART, the treibball game called "Self Control" was included.

The results of the races are summarized in the table. In all classes, despite the hot weather, it was possible to see excellent and balanced performances. Barnie won the races and Aisha placed the 2nd, which made us very happy. Another great joy brought us the successful placement of teams that train with us in Pesopark.

Many thanks for the successful and smooth running of the races to everyone who helped us before the races and then during the all day at the races. The races took place under the auspices of the Czech Treibball club. Nice prizes for the Czech Treibball Championship were provided by sponsors AKINU, Pučálka and Obojky.cz, whom we also thank very much. Thanks to Jaroslav Chlumská for the opportunity to organize races in the beautiful surroundings of Pesopark. Last, but not least, special thanks to those who had to spend a long time out in the heat. We tried to take turns, but they could not be followed everywhere. Particularly in the heat, the participants appreciated the immediate processing of the results, for which we would like to thank the handy and fast assistant. Many thanks for the complete photo documentation. The beautiful photos do not show how long the photographer had to stay in the heat to take them.

Photos: Klára Cimburová

© Stoklasovi, 2012