Treibball Races in Pesopark VI, September 27, 2020
This year, we organized Treibball Races in Pesopark VI under relatively dramatic circumstances. The races were
originally scheduled for April 19, 2020, but due to coronavirus measures, we had to cancel them. We chose an
alternative date of September 27, 2020. As the deadline approached, various restrictions began to appear again in
connection with the second coronavirus wave, so we were afraid that we would have to cancel the races for the second
time. In the end, we managed to organize them, albeit under certain specific conditions and without the planned
participation of German teams - Prague was already a dangerous destination for Germany at that time. When it became
clear that the virus would not stop us from racing, the races began to be threatened by the weather. The forecast
a few days before the race reported constant rain and wind speed of 9 m / sec. We were the main organizers, and
I was also the main judge, so we were nervous. But we did not give up and the races ended up without rain and wind.
Out of the 41 registered teams, 31 Czech teams took part in the races. We lost a large group of German participants,
but we fit into the limit of 50 people and we were able to allow accompanying persons. This time we did not invite
the spectators and there were other measures, stricter than the currently valid, but we suspected that it would be
worse and we did not want to risk anything: registration and veterinary examination of dogs in an open tent, mouth
and nose protection everywhere where people approached each other, larger distances during the announcement of the
results (this time not due to dogs), trophies and prizes prepared in advance at the podium, no personal handing over
and handshake and of course disinfection everywhere.
The composition of the breeds was very varied not only in the playing field, but also on the podium and proved that
treibball is not just the domain of border collies. Large category: Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Czech Spotted
Dog, Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Shorthaired Collie, Medium Schnauzer, Chod Dog, and a crossbreed of German Shepherd.
Small category: Jack Russel Terrier, Small Schnauzer, German Spitz Medium and two crossbreeds.
The main race consisted of two runs. After the two run of the main race (named after their character FAST and SMART),
we also offered the participants a treibball game FUN "Eights for two" and a very challenging game TOP for advanced
teams "Slaloms".
The results are summarized in a
Nice performances could be seen in all classes. Aisha won both the main race in the highest class TRB 3 L and the
TOP game. Barnie, who this time decided to entertain the audience with her funny performance, placed the second.
Our girls made us happy. The teams that train with us in Pesopark were also successful. They took first places in
all classes and categories and added several other medal positions, so our joy was doubled.
Ten-year-old Lana from Germany was also registered for the races. She and her dog Iason have been diligently training
for spring races. When we moved them in the fall, she was sad, but she said they would be better prepared in the fall.
When she could not come to the autumn races either, she cried, but she did not give up. Her mother sent us a video
documenting Lana's wonderful performance with Iason in the main race and in the treibball game. We decided to reward
her performance with a cup that she would have probably won here in Prague, and as a surprise we sent it to her by
mail. The joy was great.
Thanks for the smooth running of the races belong to all those who had helped us the day before the races in the
rain with the preparation of the field and balls, as well as to those who helped us diring the races. The races
took place under the auspices of the Treibball Club. Sponsors AKINU, Pučálka, and Wine of Italy provided
nice prizes. We thank Jaroslava Chlumská for the opportunity to organize the races in the beautiful surroundings
of Pesopark. Due to the busy program, we all appreciated the immediate processing of results, for which belong
thanks to a skilled assistant. And many thanks for the complete and nice photo and video documentation.
Photo: Tomáš Kopanica, Marcela Kučerová Skalová, Bohdana Stoklasová, Mandy Gedig
Video: Milan Stoklasa