Treibball race in Tachyon Sport Arena, Čerčany, 7. 11. 2021
On November 7, 2021, indoor treibball race called Halloween Treibball took place in the new luxurious Tachyon Sport
Arena. The hall provides perfect comfort for the races: large indoor area, quality artificial grass, elements for
building goals and playground boundaries, large outdoor area for walking, accommodation in cottages, caravan parking,
heated large space for resting dogs and a pleasant cafe overlooking the hall.
To get the dogs used to the new environment before the race, the Pesopark teams had one extraordinary training
before the race in the hall. The dogs had no problem with the hall, only it turned out that those who barked
at work would have a problem to hear commands, given that the barking was audible here more than outside.
21 teams took part in the race. Barnie placed the 3rd in the very busy TRB 2 class, Aisha was alone in the TRB 3
class, so her victory was guaranteed, but deserved. Especially in the FAST run, she showed an admirable fast run
without a single mistake. Other teams from Pesopark also showed nice performances. Pavla and Šon placed the 2nd
in TRB 1 class, Eva and Ellie also placed the 2nd in the Beginners class. The SMART run was also very successful
for Karolína with Cappi and Diana with Freya, but they did not reach the medal position with a handicap from the
FAST run. In the races, several starting teams showed great potential to grow, which is good, because in the highest
class, our dogs are getting older and leaving for lower classes, and we need to replace them. Renata Kolomazníková
prepared the races very nicely. The main judge was Monika Kalábová, I was an assistant (goal) judge, and I also
measured the time. All participants were given hats, with which we had a lot of fun. Only Aisha didn't like Milan
in the hat.
Photo: B. Stoklasová, M. Stoklasa
Video: M. Stoklasa