Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

WTWL - World Treibball Winter League
October 2017 - February 2018

Barnie took part in the 2017-18 season of the World Treibball League, organized by Nancy Tanner (Montana, USA).

The league has a form of the distance tournament. The participants are expected to submit their videos proving their completing of eight tasks (matches). A maximum of two weeks is given to complete each task during which a video must be submitted. The task is then evaluated, and another match is opened. The dogs compete in two categories: beginners (A) and advanced (B). The tasks for both categories are similar, the movement of the dog is prescribed, the distance and sometimes the number of elements involved, and the number of rounds differ. Beginners work at a distance of several meters, and the handler can move around the playground. In the advanced category, the handler is out of the playing field, and the dog performs difficult tasks at a distance of up to 25 m. Sometimes, the fluent movement without stopping is required. The race is also demanding on the memory and orientation of the handler in the area. Matches are varied, instructive and entertaining.

In this season, most of the participants were from the USA, the European team was numerous and very advanced, teams from Australia were performing very well. Barnie competed in category B, where she placed second and made us happy.

Ranking in category B in the first three places:
    1. Malouk & Anja Jacob (Germany), 161 points
    2. Barnie & Milan Stoklasa (Czech Republic), 156 points
    3. Flocke & Helmut Semmet (Germany), Keira & Fay Benjamin (Australia), 151 points

The competition was strong, several teams went through all the matches with the full number of points, so in the end the speed discipline (match 7) decided on the winner. Barnie gave excellent performance, but a small entlebucher female can hardly compete with a large border collie male in these disciplines.
The World Treibball League has extended our treibball horizons. Matches were entertaining and well prepared, watching the work of teams from different continents was very inspiring. We are looking forward to the next season of the League, which we would like to join with both females.
In addition to tournaments, WTL also offers the opportunity to acquire treibball qualifications and titles.

The selection of our WTWL matches:

© Stoklasovi, 2012