Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

ICh. AISHA z Lesní zahrady
Breeding female, code: 435y AS 54 BO
She has been transferred to the category Former mothers of the Czech breed
DKK: 1/1 (B); DLK: 0/0 (A); PRA-PRCD: N/P (B), EU: A, gonio neg.
BOV-2x, BOB-5x, BOS, CACIB-4x, Res. CACIB-1x, NV, CAC-9x, Res. CAC-4x, Best Puppy
Interchampion, Czech Champion, Czech Veteran Champion
Czech Grand Champion of Treibball, Czech Champion of Treibball,
Czech TRB Champion in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024,
1st Czech TRB Vice-Champion in 2018 and 2019

Meet Aisha

My name is Aisha z Lesni zahrady. I am the female of the Entlebuch Cattle Dog. I am lively and intrepid, good-natured and friendly to people I know, and slightly distrustful to strangers, but I am soon friendly with everyone and I love to cuddle. This is the typical behaviour of the Entlebuch Cattle Dog. Most of the time I spend with my masters and my mom, but our pack often grows on other members, including children - then it's really fun for us. I love romping and playing with the children. I play treibball. I am triple the Czech champion and twice vice-champion in the highest class 3. I have also successfully passed several classical cynological exams. I am the mother of 5 puppies.

How Time Went By ...

I was born in the breeding kennel Z lesni zahrady on 28 January 2013. My mum’s name is Barnie Sweape and my dad’s is Auksis Interpola. On that same day, my mum also bore my two sisters and three brothers. The owners of the breeding kennel Z lesni zahrady wanted to keep one female and I was their favourite from the very beginning-They tied symbolically a yellow distinguishing lace around my neck. This was the same colour of the lace as my mother Barnie had got three years ago.

When we grew up a little, all kinds of new people appeared. They examined my sisters, my brother and me, played with us and petted us. It was a nice, but short period. My sisters and brothers left for their new homes soon and I stayed at home.

I love playing with children and with my mother. After the endless winter we finally have Spring and we can spend more time in the garden.

I become bigger and stonger. We get many visits and we go for walks and trips so that I get acquainted with different people, animals and the world outside our doors.

I like to play with my mother, however, I have to get used also to other dogs. We started to visit places where I can meet them. I also started to train the basics of obedience.

In early June I spent a very pleasant week on holiday in South Bohemia together with my mother and masters. We visited several picturesque South Bohemian towns where my masters had not been for a couple of years, so they were interested in newly renovated buildings, new and very nice hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and cafes. We stayed in a cottage camp near the pond. We visited my father Buschi, who lives in South Bohemia.

In mid-June, we went on holiday to Slovenia. We combined this holiday with the DUO CACIB Bled 2013 Exhibition. We visited Bled and Julian Alps. After exploring Lake Bled we made a number of trips into the surrounding mountains. Since I am not yet allowed to go far, we highly appreciated that the mountains are easily accessible by car. In the neighboring Lake Bohinj there is a beautiful waterfall, but to reach it, you have to climb a lot of stairs. Puppies cannot climb stairs so I was arried her up and down like a Princess. The international Exhibition DUO CACIB Bled 2013 was held nearby the Lake Bled. This was my firs dog show and I was quite successsful: 2x very promising and Best Puppy.

The Summer time was wonderful. Not only because of the beautiful sunny weather, but mainly because of the long visit of small children Kuba and Eliska in our house. Many different people came to visit our house and we went to visit them. We visited my brother Alex who showed us his „kingdom“: the big house and the surrounding garden. We also visited our friends livin close to the pond. My mother liked to swim there, but I prefered to stay close to the bank. I started to visit the nursery school for dogs. I started the training with the puppies of the same age. I exercised well, so I forwarded after the summer holidays between grown-up puppies.

Autumn was full of interesting events. In early September, the second (for me the first) Czech meeting of Entlebuch Cattle Dogs took place in Zlenice. In the second half of September, I attended together with my sister Aila the gathering of young dogs in Zárybničná Lhota. We both have got excellent evaluations. In October, my mother Barnie took part in two international exhibitions abroad: in Hungary - Komárom and in Slovakia - Bratislava. She fulfilled the conditions to get the Interchampion title. I liked both trips very much. We combined the exhibition in Bratislava (Slovakia) with examination of the ureters in Vienna (Austria). We both have made our masters very happy - first we behaved perfectly during all the testing and in particular we have both the best possible outcome of the EU: A. In Vienna, our masters took us not only to the veterinary clinic, but also to the city. There were many people there and they took pictures of us together with the monuments. After the holiday season the small masters Kuba and Elizabeth do not come to visit us so often as during the Summer, however, whenever they come, we enjoy the time together. I go to the training ground together with other grown-up puppies and I exercise very well. I have already grown to the height of my mother and our forces when dragging and playing other games are almost equal.

My story will continue together with the story of my mother Barnie at the page Our Females.

© Stoklasovi, 2012